SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 91
market this service to faculty to encourage them to deposit their unique, digital research materials for open access. This
service complements our efforts to acquire faculty papers.
We use a blog to promote our University Historic Photograph collection, which is part of our University Archive.
35. What measure(s) have been used to evaluate special collections engagement with faculty/scholars/
researchers who are affiliated with your institution? N=49
Again, no formal measures have been used we try to ascertain through conversations with them how successful/useful
they felt their use of our collections was.
Anecdotal evidence and increases in requests for tours, class visits, and instruction sessions.
Chiefly through feedback in writing or in person about the effectiveness of the engagement. We have not, with one
exception (a 2006 conference on the history of industrial New Brunswick), prepared a feedback form but perhaps we
Collection of anecdotes.
Courses taught. Research outcomes, e.g., books and article published, performances given, theses written. Number and
value of grants received. Number of graduate and practicum students working with the collections. Access statistics to
digital content.
Direct response from users.
E-mail letters of thanks.
Faculty surveys conducted by the library system have provided some feedback to Special Collections that has proved
generally positive.
Feedback from faculty increased use.
Impressive Web server statistics, both aggregate and detailed, are complied monthly by units. Public Services Statistics.
Comments as specified above. Acknowledgments in the publications of faculty/scholars/affiliated researchers. Inclusion
of special collections liaisons in academic as well as social events in selected fields seems to be some measure of
Informal anecdotal discussion of trends observed among special collections staff.
LibQUAL+ survey.
Much too few.
No evaluation.
No evaluation has been performed as of this date.
No formal evaluation yet.
No particular measures have been used.
None (12 responses)
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