SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 79
Effectiveness can be determined by the number of students who actually visit Special Collections to do research after
the initial contact through an orientation or bibliographic instruction class. If the student projects are well done in the
judgment of their professor, he/she will donate copies to the library. If we have considerable contact with the students
as they conduct their research and produce the final product, we may request a copy for our holdings.
Extent and breadth of use of primary resources and collections in any format. Demonstrated creative use of technology
with primary resources in support of research. Demonstrated ability to evaluate and synthesize special collections
resources and to use them in the creation of a project that shows originality and or has the potential to lead to original
research in the future. Show evidence of developing an understanding of the processes of research and inquiry.
Demonstrate originality of thought, mastery of content, clear writing, and overall quality of presentation.
Face-to-face interview, subject representatives discussions with RBSC Head following interviews.
Feedback from the professors making the assignments.
Gate count use statistics.
Immediate feedback and follow-up e-mail from students which tends to be enthusiastic.
In a few cases resulting publications, posters for conference presentations, or Web pages but overall there has been no
attempt to evaluate this.
Informal feedback from faculty/instructors.
Informal measures talking with students and gathering their feedback.
Informal queries to faculty about the quality of papers and the quantity and efficacy of use of primary materials from our
collections by students.
Learning outcomes survey.
Little evaluation has been done.
No formal assessment has been done.
No formal evaluation.
No formal evaluation as of yet.
No formal evaluation has been undertaken individual feedback is sometimes given to instructors.
No formal measures used.
No formal measures we talk to students and faculty about how successful they felt their use was when we have the
No measures thus far.
No particular measures have been used.
None. (5 responses)
None to date.
Nothing formal.
Number of faculty/courses using materials.
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