SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 49
Advertising on radio and TV. Newspaper and media interviews.
Appearances on local TV/radio stations.
Daily Tar Heel student newspaper.
During our recent Poetry Event our Special Collections Library Technician has sent e-mails to our state’s Poetry
Association Web site to post on their event calendar.
Friends of the University Libraries newsletter.
Interviews with local media, press releases and other information disseminated on scholarly listservs.
Once again, we take advantage of our ability to post ads on the online workspace shared by staff and students at the
Our space is too small and the university too big to have broad invitations. We typically make direct mail invitations to
our list of donors, interested faculty, and to others requested by donors.
Radio spots, local newspaper.
Video screens Xwi7xwa Library: Longhouse News, Talking Stick
Other Comments
Here too the most successful methods vary unit to unit. Press releases (and hence local press coverage) and promotion
of events on university Web pages are key to reaching the largest audiences. The Friends of the Libraries also promotes
library-related events.
Our events are mainly restricted to members of the Friends of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, and not generally
open to the public.
15. Please list up to three events that special collections has hosted in the past year. N=72
150th Anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species Anatomical Illustration: Art Informing Science 1543–1950
Textbooks in Missouri and the West Library Society Dinner exhibition.
2009 Campbell Book Collection Competition Multiple private views for distinguished visitors, notably the Ethiopic
Manuscript presentation in Fall 2009.
A talk by a humanitarian photographer related to an exhibition of his photographs a talk by two Columbian book
artists a reading by a translator of Sanskrit poetry translated for a book by a faculty book artist.
“Afternoons in Special Collections &Archives” featuring our faculty authors. Eaton Science Fiction Conference
(Extraordinary Voyages: Jules Verne and Beyond).
A.S.W. Rosenbach Lectures on Bibliography (March 2009) Lorraine Beilter Collection on the Dreyfus Affair
Distinguished Lecture (April 2009) Lawrence J. Schoenberg Annual Symposium on Manuscripts in the Digital Age
(October 2009).
Advertising on radio and TV. Newspaper and media interviews.
Appearances on local TV/radio stations.
Daily Tar Heel student newspaper.
During our recent Poetry Event our Special Collections Library Technician has sent e-mails to our state’s Poetry
Association Web site to post on their event calendar.
Friends of the University Libraries newsletter.
Interviews with local media, press releases and other information disseminated on scholarly listservs.
Once again, we take advantage of our ability to post ads on the online workspace shared by staff and students at the
Our space is too small and the university too big to have broad invitations. We typically make direct mail invitations to
our list of donors, interested faculty, and to others requested by donors.
Radio spots, local newspaper.
Video screens Xwi7xwa Library: Longhouse News, Talking Stick
Other Comments
Here too the most successful methods vary unit to unit. Press releases (and hence local press coverage) and promotion
of events on university Web pages are key to reaching the largest audiences. The Friends of the Libraries also promotes
library-related events.
Our events are mainly restricted to members of the Friends of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, and not generally
open to the public.
15. Please list up to three events that special collections has hosted in the past year. N=72
150th Anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species Anatomical Illustration: Art Informing Science 1543–1950
Textbooks in Missouri and the West Library Society Dinner exhibition.
2009 Campbell Book Collection Competition Multiple private views for distinguished visitors, notably the Ethiopic
Manuscript presentation in Fall 2009.
A talk by a humanitarian photographer related to an exhibition of his photographs a talk by two Columbian book
artists a reading by a translator of Sanskrit poetry translated for a book by a faculty book artist.
“Afternoons in Special Collections &Archives” featuring our faculty authors. Eaton Science Fiction Conference
(Extraordinary Voyages: Jules Verne and Beyond).
A.S.W. Rosenbach Lectures on Bibliography (March 2009) Lorraine Beilter Collection on the Dreyfus Affair
Distinguished Lecture (April 2009) Lawrence J. Schoenberg Annual Symposium on Manuscripts in the Digital Age
(October 2009).