42 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
member of the academic community may propose an event in special collections. Depending on the profile and
audience for an event, we sometimes receive event coordination assistance from the Library’s Communication Office.
Anyone with a reasonable idea can pretty much run with it, assuming adequate funding.
Associate Dean for Special Collections and Digital Programs Curator of Books Oral History Director.
Certain events are led by the curators of the featured collections, while others are led by the Public Services and
Outreach Librarian.
Coordination is generally in conjunction with other academic units. The Libraries has a publicity officer who, though not
involved in the creation of events, is charged with their promotion.
Curator of special collections and head of the department/division both participate.
Curators work with Libraries Development Office and Communications Office for events planning and execution.
Depends on the unit producing the event.
Different archivists take responsibility for different events.
Different curatorial staff schedule and coordinate events related to their collecting areas public services staff and others
schedule events.
Different staff members provide support in different ways, depending on the individual’s job focus or interests.
Director primarily, Marketing Librarian, and Library Development Officer.
Either of the two special collections librarians coordinates the work involved in installation, graphic design work
required, etc. Depending on the curators, etc.
Events are sponsored within a curatorial group, i.e., manuscripts or printed books. Some events are named, thus
thematic. Others relate to partnerships with schools and faculty members. There are several key staff who are involved
from marketing, local arrangements, receptions, etc.
For some events, Special Collections is simply the host. Others are coordinated by the individual on staff who has the
relevant subject knowledge. Some events can be coordinated by an individual others require a group effort.
Generally the head of Special Collections is responsible, but if another member of the staff sponsors the event, they
sometimes take on that responsibility. Sometimes other faculty will organize events based on our exhibits.
In the past, coordination has been primarily one individual’s responsibility and promotion another person’s responsibility.
We anticipate this will change in the immediate future.
Individual librarians may be working with particular collections, donors, or audiences, and are therefore responsible for
coordinating events. Other events are coordinated centrally.
Lead/sponsoring department and curator.
Many of our programs are based on our exhibitions or on occasions related to campus events and activities. Typically,
one unit is primarily engaged in such an event, and the head of the affected unit will take the lead in organizing the
event. There is also a named and funded lecture for a former, now deceased Head of the Special Collections Library the
Head of Rare Books and Manuscripts takes the lead in organizing this event.
Often the funding and support for events is opportunity driven, grant aided, and with different internal and external
partners. Libraries and Cultural Resources has recently appointed a Director of Communications who will usually be
member of the academic community may propose an event in special collections. Depending on the profile and
audience for an event, we sometimes receive event coordination assistance from the Library’s Communication Office.
Anyone with a reasonable idea can pretty much run with it, assuming adequate funding.
Associate Dean for Special Collections and Digital Programs Curator of Books Oral History Director.
Certain events are led by the curators of the featured collections, while others are led by the Public Services and
Outreach Librarian.
Coordination is generally in conjunction with other academic units. The Libraries has a publicity officer who, though not
involved in the creation of events, is charged with their promotion.
Curator of special collections and head of the department/division both participate.
Curators work with Libraries Development Office and Communications Office for events planning and execution.
Depends on the unit producing the event.
Different archivists take responsibility for different events.
Different curatorial staff schedule and coordinate events related to their collecting areas public services staff and others
schedule events.
Different staff members provide support in different ways, depending on the individual’s job focus or interests.
Director primarily, Marketing Librarian, and Library Development Officer.
Either of the two special collections librarians coordinates the work involved in installation, graphic design work
required, etc. Depending on the curators, etc.
Events are sponsored within a curatorial group, i.e., manuscripts or printed books. Some events are named, thus
thematic. Others relate to partnerships with schools and faculty members. There are several key staff who are involved
from marketing, local arrangements, receptions, etc.
For some events, Special Collections is simply the host. Others are coordinated by the individual on staff who has the
relevant subject knowledge. Some events can be coordinated by an individual others require a group effort.
Generally the head of Special Collections is responsible, but if another member of the staff sponsors the event, they
sometimes take on that responsibility. Sometimes other faculty will organize events based on our exhibits.
In the past, coordination has been primarily one individual’s responsibility and promotion another person’s responsibility.
We anticipate this will change in the immediate future.
Individual librarians may be working with particular collections, donors, or audiences, and are therefore responsible for
coordinating events. Other events are coordinated centrally.
Lead/sponsoring department and curator.
Many of our programs are based on our exhibitions or on occasions related to campus events and activities. Typically,
one unit is primarily engaged in such an event, and the head of the affected unit will take the lead in organizing the
event. There is also a named and funded lecture for a former, now deceased Head of the Special Collections Library the
Head of Rare Books and Manuscripts takes the lead in organizing this event.
Often the funding and support for events is opportunity driven, grant aided, and with different internal and external
partners. Libraries and Cultural Resources has recently appointed a Director of Communications who will usually be