48 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Additional Comments
The Library has an events space seating 50 on same floor as Special Collections, but not dedicated to Special
Collections. All other events require scheduling and/or renting space elsewhere on campus.
Depending on the event, the campus offers several alternative lecture spaces where we can hold a talk and host a
reception. The preference is to host events in the library.
NB: While we have used space beyond the library for fundraising events for our Water Resources Archive and have
traveling exhibits for our topical archive collections, our Special Collections events have been held within the library.
Events Promotion and Evaluation
14. What methods has special collections used to promote events to the university community? Check
all methods that have been used. Check up to three that have been most successful. N=76
Method Used
Most Successful
One-on-one contact 70 18
Promotion on library/university Web pages 68 26
Posters, flyers, bookmarks, etc. 67 20
Direct mail 64 26
Press releases 64 30
Library newsletter (print or electronic) 63 11
Listserv/group e-mail 54 16
Campus newsletter 52 12
Blogs 29 4
Social networking sites 27 4
Advertising in scholarly journals 5 —
Other method 14 4
Please describe other method(s).
Used and Most Successful
Coordination with institutional special events.
Friends of the Library Calendar of Events.
Radio and television.
Student newspaper.
Additional Comments
The Library has an events space seating 50 on same floor as Special Collections, but not dedicated to Special
Collections. All other events require scheduling and/or renting space elsewhere on campus.
Depending on the event, the campus offers several alternative lecture spaces where we can hold a talk and host a
reception. The preference is to host events in the library.
NB: While we have used space beyond the library for fundraising events for our Water Resources Archive and have
traveling exhibits for our topical archive collections, our Special Collections events have been held within the library.
Events Promotion and Evaluation
14. What methods has special collections used to promote events to the university community? Check
all methods that have been used. Check up to three that have been most successful. N=76
Method Used
Most Successful
One-on-one contact 70 18
Promotion on library/university Web pages 68 26
Posters, flyers, bookmarks, etc. 67 20
Direct mail 64 26
Press releases 64 30
Library newsletter (print or electronic) 63 11
Listserv/group e-mail 54 16
Campus newsletter 52 12
Blogs 29 4
Social networking sites 27 4
Advertising in scholarly journals 5 —
Other method 14 4
Please describe other method(s).
Used and Most Successful
Coordination with institutional special events.
Friends of the Library Calendar of Events.
Radio and television.
Student newspaper.