SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 17
further outreach effectively, or to communicate the
results of those outreach activities to the larger special
collections community.
However, despite these roadblocks, the responses
to this survey indicate widespread enthusiasm for
outreach activities among special collections. Many
respondents emphasized a need and desire to build
on their current efforts and to do more in the future. A
challenge for the future, therefore, will be to articulate
goals and objectives for special collections outreach
and to bring staffing resources in line with those goals
and objectives—especially regarding curricular en-
gagement. All of these desires reflect a climate of ma-
turing special collections initiatives and programs,
and the emphasis on exposing hidden collections
and integrating special collections with the broader
library community. As special collections continue to
develop, expand, and better structure their outreach
programs, exposure to the unique and important ma-
terials in their holdings will reach a broader audience,
benefitting everyone involved.
further outreach effectively, or to communicate the
results of those outreach activities to the larger special
collections community.
However, despite these roadblocks, the responses
to this survey indicate widespread enthusiasm for
outreach activities among special collections. Many
respondents emphasized a need and desire to build
on their current efforts and to do more in the future. A
challenge for the future, therefore, will be to articulate
goals and objectives for special collections outreach
and to bring staffing resources in line with those goals
and objectives—especially regarding curricular en-
gagement. All of these desires reflect a climate of ma-
turing special collections initiatives and programs,
and the emphasis on exposing hidden collections
and integrating special collections with the broader
library community. As special collections continue to
develop, expand, and better structure their outreach
programs, exposure to the unique and important ma-
terials in their holdings will reach a broader audience,
benefitting everyone involved.