SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 207
Sutton, Shan, and Lorrie Knight. “Beyond the Reading Room: Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources
in the Library Classroom.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 3 (May 2006): 320–25.
Theunissen, Yolanda. “Developing and Promoting Outreach Services for Elementary and Middle Schools:
Case Study of a Rare Map Library at a Public University.” Journal of Map &Geography Libraries 3,
no. 2 (June 2007): 5–22.
Traister, Daniel H. “Public Services and Outreach in Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections
Libraries.” Library Trends 52, no. 1 (Summer 2003): 87–108.
Visser, Michelle. “Inviting in the Rabble: Changing Approaches to Public Service and Access in Special
Collections.” Public Services Quarterly 1, no. 4 (September 2003): 29–41.
Vissner, Michelle. “Perspectives on… Special Collections at ARL Libraries and K-12 Outreach: Current
Trends.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 3 (May 2006): 313–19.
Watson, Elisabeth. “Integrating AV Archival Materials into the Curriculum: The Cave Hill Experience.”
IASA Journal 30 (January 2008): 45–60.
Weir, Christopher. “The Marketing Context. Outreach: Luxury or Necessity?” Journal of the Society of
Archivists 25, no. 1 (April 2004): 71–77.
Whittaker, Beth M. “Using Circulation Systems for Special Collections: Tracking Usage, Promoting the
Collection, and Addressing the Backlogs.” College &Research Libraries 69, no. 1 (January 2008):
Zhou, Xiaomu. “Student Archival Research Activity: An Exploratory Study.” American Archivist 71, no. 2
(Fall/Winter 2008): 476–98.
Sutton, Shan, and Lorrie Knight. “Beyond the Reading Room: Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources
in the Library Classroom.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 3 (May 2006): 320–25.
Theunissen, Yolanda. “Developing and Promoting Outreach Services for Elementary and Middle Schools:
Case Study of a Rare Map Library at a Public University.” Journal of Map &Geography Libraries 3,
no. 2 (June 2007): 5–22.
Traister, Daniel H. “Public Services and Outreach in Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections
Libraries.” Library Trends 52, no. 1 (Summer 2003): 87–108.
Visser, Michelle. “Inviting in the Rabble: Changing Approaches to Public Service and Access in Special
Collections.” Public Services Quarterly 1, no. 4 (September 2003): 29–41.
Vissner, Michelle. “Perspectives on… Special Collections at ARL Libraries and K-12 Outreach: Current
Trends.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 32, no. 3 (May 2006): 313–19.
Watson, Elisabeth. “Integrating AV Archival Materials into the Curriculum: The Cave Hill Experience.”
IASA Journal 30 (January 2008): 45–60.
Weir, Christopher. “The Marketing Context. Outreach: Luxury or Necessity?” Journal of the Society of
Archivists 25, no. 1 (April 2004): 71–77.
Whittaker, Beth M. “Using Circulation Systems for Special Collections: Tracking Usage, Promoting the
Collection, and Addressing the Backlogs.” College &Research Libraries 69, no. 1 (January 2008):
Zhou, Xiaomu. “Student Archival Research Activity: An Exploratory Study.” American Archivist 71, no. 2
(Fall/Winter 2008): 476–98.