22 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
If you answered “Varies, depending on the exhibit,” please explain.
An Exhibits Committee chaired by a Curator coordinates the scheduling and space assignment. However, exhibits are
created and promoted by an individual or a team (can be librarians, curators and/or non-exempt staff). Some exhibits
are created and mounted by faculty members, students or colleagues on campus. Others are curated and organized by
Assistant Dean coordinates all exhibit/display spaces ideas, promotion, and exhibit building done by archivists,
librarians, and others.
Co-ordination is done by the Head but people in ASC have expertise in different areas of our collections, so often the
individual with the most knowledge about a particular focus area will take the lead and draw in others as needed. For
exhibits off-site, we have had guest curators create the exhibits. Promotion is the primary responsibility of the Head of
ASC who works in conjunction with the Library’s Communications team.
Curating exhibit done by SC curators, other librarians, faculty, and visiting scholars. Promoting exhibits done by library
public relations person. The library has an “Exhibits &Events Committee” that coordinates all exhibitions and events
held within the library.
Curator of Books handles exhibits of books. Archivists present manuscript/document-based exhibits. Letterpress director
designs book arts exhibits.
Curatorial responsibility is assigned to staff with subject expertise. Visual Materials Specialist is responsible for all exhibit
Curatorial staff handle the creation of the exhibit the Libraries Communications Office handles publicity and promotion.
Curators take turns leading exhibit creation. Occasionally, other library staff, faculty, or graduate students have primary
Department Chair puts out a call for exhibit ideas from all department faculty and staff. Collection curators volunteer.
Depends on curatorial expertise, or curriculum involvement.
Different staff members take responsibility for the creation of exhibits based on their areas of interest and expertise.
Each of us has some subject specialization and/or focus in our work, so that, in part, determines who will mount a
particular exhibition. For example, our University Archivist would tend to install exhibitions dealing with University
history and the Kent State shootings.
Exhibit team formed from special collection staff for different exhibits. Depends on the size of the exhibit, sponsoring
Exhibits are in transition due to budgetary constraints. A committee is overseeing the calendar but only one Special
Collection exhibit has been mounted in the last year.
Exhibits from special collections materials are chosen and scheduled into the exhibit galleries based on interest from
individual curators.
For the purposes of this survey ‘Special Collections’ includes 4 units, namely University Archives, Canadian Architectural
Archives, Military Museums Library and Archives, and Special Collections itself. Often the funding and support for
exhibits is opportunity driven, grant aided, and with different partners.
If you answered “Varies, depending on the exhibit,” please explain.
An Exhibits Committee chaired by a Curator coordinates the scheduling and space assignment. However, exhibits are
created and promoted by an individual or a team (can be librarians, curators and/or non-exempt staff). Some exhibits
are created and mounted by faculty members, students or colleagues on campus. Others are curated and organized by
Assistant Dean coordinates all exhibit/display spaces ideas, promotion, and exhibit building done by archivists,
librarians, and others.
Co-ordination is done by the Head but people in ASC have expertise in different areas of our collections, so often the
individual with the most knowledge about a particular focus area will take the lead and draw in others as needed. For
exhibits off-site, we have had guest curators create the exhibits. Promotion is the primary responsibility of the Head of
ASC who works in conjunction with the Library’s Communications team.
Curating exhibit done by SC curators, other librarians, faculty, and visiting scholars. Promoting exhibits done by library
public relations person. The library has an “Exhibits &Events Committee” that coordinates all exhibitions and events
held within the library.
Curator of Books handles exhibits of books. Archivists present manuscript/document-based exhibits. Letterpress director
designs book arts exhibits.
Curatorial responsibility is assigned to staff with subject expertise. Visual Materials Specialist is responsible for all exhibit
Curatorial staff handle the creation of the exhibit the Libraries Communications Office handles publicity and promotion.
Curators take turns leading exhibit creation. Occasionally, other library staff, faculty, or graduate students have primary
Department Chair puts out a call for exhibit ideas from all department faculty and staff. Collection curators volunteer.
Depends on curatorial expertise, or curriculum involvement.
Different staff members take responsibility for the creation of exhibits based on their areas of interest and expertise.
Each of us has some subject specialization and/or focus in our work, so that, in part, determines who will mount a
particular exhibition. For example, our University Archivist would tend to install exhibitions dealing with University
history and the Kent State shootings.
Exhibit team formed from special collection staff for different exhibits. Depends on the size of the exhibit, sponsoring
Exhibits are in transition due to budgetary constraints. A committee is overseeing the calendar but only one Special
Collection exhibit has been mounted in the last year.
Exhibits from special collections materials are chosen and scheduled into the exhibit galleries based on interest from
individual curators.
For the purposes of this survey ‘Special Collections’ includes 4 units, namely University Archives, Canadian Architectural
Archives, Military Museums Library and Archives, and Special Collections itself. Often the funding and support for
exhibits is opportunity driven, grant aided, and with different partners.