80 · Survey Results: Survey Questions And Responses
Our evaluation of student use of unique materials derives from our observation/interaction with students as researchers
and from testimony from faculty.
Patron Survey.
Primarily person-to-person discussion.
Professors make assignments and they evaluate through grades.
Research papers and theses completed. Exhibits and directed study evaluation. Count of Web site hits and database
Server statistics.
Some classes include course evaluations.
Special collections departments take into consideration questions/suggestions/feedback from students and faculty,
incorporating these comments into practices and procedures in an informal manner.
Special Collections librarians use a 1 minute evaluation tool with classes as appropriate and follow-up with course
instructor. Observation and discussion of certain elements is also used.
Survey, one-on-one contact.
Surveys (paper).
Surveys for instructors for classes in which Special Collections materials have been featured or required.
Teaching evaluation.
To my knowledge, no attempt has been made to measure or evaluate this.
Tracking the number of students registered as researchers.
Use statistics and anecdotal reports. Exhibits. Course evaluations (accessible to the instructor of record and teaching
department in question).
We check with reference staff regarding their perception of how assignments have gone and check with faculty making
assignments, to ask about how well the students did.
We have no formal mechanism to evaluate this.
We have not evaluated student use of materials per se, however we conducted three focus groups relating to a film he
produced which introduces students to the archives. We paused for anonymous responses at the end of the discussion
of one of the groups.
We have started selective use of a post-instruction session evaluation instrument.
We have tried survey instruments but they have limited success due to limited participation. We try things like “One
Minute Paper” asking only 2 questions at the end of a session. Hard to quantify but does give interesting feedback
helping us modify how sessions are conducted.
We register students and ask them what their projects are. This information is then included in annual reports.
Word of mouth projects generated through courses taught in special collections.
Our evaluation of student use of unique materials derives from our observation/interaction with students as researchers
and from testimony from faculty.
Patron Survey.
Primarily person-to-person discussion.
Professors make assignments and they evaluate through grades.
Research papers and theses completed. Exhibits and directed study evaluation. Count of Web site hits and database
Server statistics.
Some classes include course evaluations.
Special collections departments take into consideration questions/suggestions/feedback from students and faculty,
incorporating these comments into practices and procedures in an informal manner.
Special Collections librarians use a 1 minute evaluation tool with classes as appropriate and follow-up with course
instructor. Observation and discussion of certain elements is also used.
Survey, one-on-one contact.
Surveys (paper).
Surveys for instructors for classes in which Special Collections materials have been featured or required.
Teaching evaluation.
To my knowledge, no attempt has been made to measure or evaluate this.
Tracking the number of students registered as researchers.
Use statistics and anecdotal reports. Exhibits. Course evaluations (accessible to the instructor of record and teaching
department in question).
We check with reference staff regarding their perception of how assignments have gone and check with faculty making
assignments, to ask about how well the students did.
We have no formal mechanism to evaluate this.
We have not evaluated student use of materials per se, however we conducted three focus groups relating to a film he
produced which introduces students to the archives. We paused for anonymous responses at the end of the discussion
of one of the groups.
We have started selective use of a post-instruction session evaluation instrument.
We have tried survey instruments but they have limited success due to limited participation. We try things like “One
Minute Paper” asking only 2 questions at the end of a session. Hard to quantify but does give interesting feedback
helping us modify how sessions are conducted.
We register students and ask them what their projects are. This information is then included in annual reports.
Word of mouth projects generated through courses taught in special collections.