SPEC Kit 317: Special Collections Engagement · 31
Exhibits Promotion and Evaluation
5. What methods has special collections used to promote exhibits to the university community? Check
all methods that have been used. Check up to three that have been most successful. N=78
Method Used
Most Successful
Promotion on library/university Web pages 77 40
One-on-one contact 71 11
Press releases 67 32
Posters, flyers, bookmarks, etc. 66 23
Library newsletter (print or electronic) 64 18
Campus newsletter 55 13
Listserv/group e-mail 48 15
Direct mail 44 14
Blogs 36 6
Social networking sites 31 3
Advertising in scholarly journals 3 —
Other method 25 5
Please describe other method(s).
Used and Most Successful
Campus video, coordination with institutional special events and initiatives (i.e., Semester on War).
Other methods include printed exhibit catalogs, facade banners to the exterior of the building, and interviews with local
media outlets.
Publication of exhibition catalogs or keepsakes which are sent to all members of the Friends (700+ households) and
sold though our galleries.
Radio and television advertising.
Students and faculty have been encouraged to mount exhibitions as part of course work. We have used outdoor
banners on some occasions more recently, these have been “most successful.” We have occasionally used the
University’s internal TV network to promote exhibitions. This displays on plasma screens in various campus buildings.
These would not rank as “most successful.”
Advertising in local newspapers and other local media, print, radio, and on-line.
Advertising on radio and TV. Newspaper and media interviews.
Exhibits Promotion and Evaluation
5. What methods has special collections used to promote exhibits to the university community? Check
all methods that have been used. Check up to three that have been most successful. N=78
Method Used
Most Successful
Promotion on library/university Web pages 77 40
One-on-one contact 71 11
Press releases 67 32
Posters, flyers, bookmarks, etc. 66 23
Library newsletter (print or electronic) 64 18
Campus newsletter 55 13
Listserv/group e-mail 48 15
Direct mail 44 14
Blogs 36 6
Social networking sites 31 3
Advertising in scholarly journals 3 —
Other method 25 5
Please describe other method(s).
Used and Most Successful
Campus video, coordination with institutional special events and initiatives (i.e., Semester on War).
Other methods include printed exhibit catalogs, facade banners to the exterior of the building, and interviews with local
media outlets.
Publication of exhibition catalogs or keepsakes which are sent to all members of the Friends (700+ households) and
sold though our galleries.
Radio and television advertising.
Students and faculty have been encouraged to mount exhibitions as part of course work. We have used outdoor
banners on some occasions more recently, these have been “most successful.” We have occasionally used the
University’s internal TV network to promote exhibitions. This displays on plasma screens in various campus buildings.
These would not rank as “most successful.”
Advertising in local newspapers and other local media, print, radio, and on-line.
Advertising on radio and TV. Newspaper and media interviews.