SPEC Kit 340: Open Source Software · 31
DSpace, Omeka, MDID
DSpace, Omlaut, WordPress
DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), and VuFind
DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), Archivematica, ICA-AtoM, LOCKSS, WordPress, MediaWiki
DSpace, Open Journals System (OJS), eXtensible Text Framework (XTF), Omeka, WordPress, Drupal
DSpace, Fedora Commons, Archivematica, ResourceSpace Public Knowledge Project (PKP) including Open Monograph
Press (OMP), Open Journal System (OJS), Open Conference System (OCS), General Transit Feed Specifications (GTFS),
RefStat, Suma, Xibo, Mondo Grinder, phpScheduleIt, software for hours and locations
DSpace. File Analyzer, Archivists’ Toolkit, LOCKSS
Fedora Commons
Fedora Commons, Hydra, CORAL, Apache, Puppet
Fedora Commons, Blacklight, Hydra, Solr, Avalon, WordPress, ArchivesSpace (soon), Piwik, MySQL, Apache, Neatline,
and many other components for transforming or disseminating information.
Fedora Commons, DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), Open Conference System (OCS)
Fedora Commons, DSpace, Umlaut, Shibboleth, Xerxes, Blacklight, Vireo, Hydra, Solr. As well we have adopted several
OSS, such as Tomcat and Apache, that do not seem to be the focal point of this survey.
Apache, Drupal, Webinator, Fedora Commons, WordPress, Omeka, BuddyPress, Avalon Media System, eXtensible Text
Framework (XTF), Bugzilla, Handles, PostgreSQL, PHP, Perl, Linux
Hydra, Blacklight, Solr, Drupal
Hydra, DSpace, Drupal, WordPress, LC Newspaper Viewer, Archivist ToolKit, VireoCat, various open source utilities
Hydra, Fedora Commons, Solr, Blacklight, phpScheduleIt, Open Harvester, WordPress, others
Hydra, Omeka, Drupal, Shibboleth
Koha, Fedora Commons, Xerxes, Library a la Carte, WordPress, MyLibrary, eReserves, Blacklight, VuFind, Hydra, CORAL
Linux, django, Python, Solr, Lucene, Nginx, PostgreSQL, various support libraries and toolkits
LOCKSS, Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Omeka, Plone
Lots: Drupal, EZProxy when it was OSS, our web stack, our Moodle LMS, our IR, others.
Open Journal System (OJS) and Omeka CORAL ERMS
Open Journal System (OJS), DSpace, Omeka
Open Journal System (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP), Drupal, WordPress, Dokuwiki, MediaWiki, Islandora, Fedora
Commons, Spiceworks, Piwik, Omeka, Archivists Toolkit
Omeka, Avalon, WordPress, Silverstripe, DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), Open Conference System (OCS)
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