36 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
OSS System Staff Staff hours Comments
Omeka 2 60 Developer created an accessible fork of Omeka, called
Omeka_a11y, for use in our library, then removed
institution-specific changes and released the fork on
Omeka 3 20
Omeka 5 450
Omeka 301 One digital exhibit
Open Journal System (OJS) 2 50
Open Journal System (OJS) 2 400
Papyrus 2 210
phpScheduleIT 4 400
ResourceSpace 1 8
Room Booking 2 60
RUanalytic 3 400
Shibboleth N/A N/A The development was driven by the university’s
Middleware Group, so it is difficult to estimate library
time on the project.
Social Feed Manager 2 40
UCLA Mobile Web Framework 1 40 Software started at UCLA to create a framework to have
web sites work well on a mobile device without having to
create apps for devices.
Vireo 2 200 Times are grossly estimated for the last question.
Vireo 2 120 For ETD management
VIVO 4 100 Deployment was spread over several months.
VIVO 6 250
VuFind 2 500
WebCalendar 1
WordPress 1
WordPress 2 25–35 We were already using WordPress on a limited scale for
blogs and some web pages, but recently fully adopted
WordPress for our library web site. Hours are based only
on the time to setup and configure a new web server
environment and WordPress instance for the intended
use. Time spent creating and adding content was in
addition and significantly greater.
Xerxes 2 2 *280 hours
Additional Comment
We do not have a metric for this at this time because it is not useful to capture unless we are comparing two similar
scoped systems (OSS vs. Vendor). Much also depends on the type of application and needs it presents: rebrand
requirements, training requirements, configuration and sometimes development to utilize.
OSS System Staff Staff hours Comments
Omeka 2 60 Developer created an accessible fork of Omeka, called
Omeka_a11y, for use in our library, then removed
institution-specific changes and released the fork on
Omeka 3 20
Omeka 5 450
Omeka 301 One digital exhibit
Open Journal System (OJS) 2 50
Open Journal System (OJS) 2 400
Papyrus 2 210
phpScheduleIT 4 400
ResourceSpace 1 8
Room Booking 2 60
RUanalytic 3 400
Shibboleth N/A N/A The development was driven by the university’s
Middleware Group, so it is difficult to estimate library
time on the project.
Social Feed Manager 2 40
UCLA Mobile Web Framework 1 40 Software started at UCLA to create a framework to have
web sites work well on a mobile device without having to
create apps for devices.
Vireo 2 200 Times are grossly estimated for the last question.
Vireo 2 120 For ETD management
VIVO 4 100 Deployment was spread over several months.
VIVO 6 250
VuFind 2 500
WebCalendar 1
WordPress 1
WordPress 2 25–35 We were already using WordPress on a limited scale for
blogs and some web pages, but recently fully adopted
WordPress for our library web site. Hours are based only
on the time to setup and configure a new web server
environment and WordPress instance for the intended
use. Time spent creating and adding content was in
addition and significantly greater.
Xerxes 2 2 *280 hours
Additional Comment
We do not have a metric for this at this time because it is not useful to capture unless we are comparing two similar
scoped systems (OSS vs. Vendor). Much also depends on the type of application and needs it presents: rebrand
requirements, training requirements, configuration and sometimes development to utilize.