SPEC Kit 340: Open Source Software · 73
Guidelines for Contributing to Open/Community Source Software
8/26/2012 Page 4 of 4
f) Identification of the nature of the code to be contributed (patch, enhancement, new functionality,
g) Identification of the source and date of the internal technical review and
h) An acknowledgment of understanding of the terms under which the code is being contributed.
A sample CA document is attached and may be customized to reflect the pertinent unique information for each
UC campus.
1. University of California Policy on Copyright Ownership -University of California, Office of the President,
August 19, 1992 -(http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/coordrev/policy/8-19-92att.html)
2. University of California Software On-Line Permission Statement -
3. University of California Contracts and Grants Manual -Chapter 11 Intellectual Property -
4. UC Guidelines on University-Industry Relations -
5. UC Memorandum: Guidance for Faculty and Other Academic Employees on Issues Related to
Intellectual Property and Consulting -(http://www.ucop.edu/ott/documents/consult.pdf)
6. UC Guidelines on Intellectual Property Issues -(http://ucop.edu/research/policies/ip.html)
7. UC Copyright Contacts- (http://www.ucop.edu/ott/faculty/crcontac.html) and
8. Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United
States Code -(http://www.copyright.gov/title17/)
9. Producing Open Source Software by Karl Fogel -Chapter 9 -(http://producingoss.com/en/legal.html)
10. Open Source Definition -Open Source Initiative -(http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd)
11. Open Source License Types -Open Source Initiative -
1. Sample CA form
Guidelines for Contributing to Open/Community Source Software
8/26/2012 Page 4 of 4
f) Identification of the nature of the code to be contributed (patch, enhancement, new functionality,
g) Identification of the source and date of the internal technical review and
h) An acknowledgment of understanding of the terms under which the code is being contributed.
A sample CA document is attached and may be customized to reflect the pertinent unique information for each
UC campus.
1. University of California Policy on Copyright Ownership -University of California, Office of the President,
August 19, 1992 -(http://www.ucop.edu/ucophome/coordrev/policy/8-19-92att.html)
2. University of California Software On-Line Permission Statement -
3. University of California Contracts and Grants Manual -Chapter 11 Intellectual Property -
4. UC Guidelines on University-Industry Relations -
5. UC Memorandum: Guidance for Faculty and Other Academic Employees on Issues Related to
Intellectual Property and Consulting -(http://www.ucop.edu/ott/documents/consult.pdf)
6. UC Guidelines on Intellectual Property Issues -(http://ucop.edu/research/policies/ip.html)
7. UC Copyright Contacts- (http://www.ucop.edu/ott/faculty/crcontac.html) and
8. Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United
States Code -(http://www.copyright.gov/title17/)
9. Producing Open Source Software by Karl Fogel -Chapter 9 -(http://producingoss.com/en/legal.html)
10. Open Source Definition -Open Source Initiative -(http://www.opensource.org/docs/osd)
11. Open Source License Types -Open Source Initiative -
1. Sample CA form