32 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Open Journal System (OJS)
Open Journal System (OJS), eXtensible Text Framework (XTF), AWStats, Daily Stats, WordPress, Webilizer,
GoogleAnalytics, MySQL, PHP
Open Journal System (OJS)
phpScheduleIt, Omeka, WordPress, Archon, ArchivesSpace, Blackligh, SubjectsPlus, Variations, Avalon, Fixity, Assana,
MarcEdit, DMPTool, Lucene/Solr, EzProxy, E-Prints
PHP, Blacklight, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Northwestern U Book Viewer, Solr, Lucene, GSearch, Djatoka, Fedora
Commons. SciDB, Openstack, django, Openshift, Drupal, CentOS, Cassandra, sqe, Ruby, Python (and libraries), Perl and
libraries, many Apache tools, GNU tools, Nagios Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD), Spacewalk, OCS Inventory
PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache, Drupal
Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Research Project Calculator (Assignment Calculator), ArchivesSpace, Apache, Linux,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hydra, Blacklight, Fedora Commons, Solr, PersistantURLs (PURLZ), Omeka, Open Journal System
Streetprint, DSpace, OS Ticket, Dokuwiki, Guide on the Side
SuraSpace products, SugarCRM, ArchivesSpace
The main library-specific OSS we use: VuFind (and Solr), DSpace, LOCKSS. We make heavy use of other general open
source software including Ubuntu, Apache, Tomcat, WordPress, etc.
This list could go on for pages: Apache, Fedora Commons, DSpace, Islandora, WordPress, Drupal, MySQL, Linux,
Docker, Redmine, OpenLDAP, VuFind, Arduino IDE, Open Journal System (OJS), Raspbian, OpenOffice, GIMP, etc. We
have both servers and desktops running various Linux flavours nearly every piece of software on them is by nature OSS.
Too many to mention. But here are some: Ubuntu, Apache, PostgreSQL, Python, django, Perl, PHP, Java (openjdk), Solr,
jQuery, D3, postfix, Nagios, phpScheduleIt, DSpace, Drupal, MySQL, osTickets.
UCLA MWF, DSpace, MySQL, Apache, PHP, SAMBA, Open SSL, Open SSH, Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu), Sendmail,
Solr,, Nutch, Tomcat, WINE, VirtualBox, KeePass, PuTTY, Pidgin, Stat Transfer, WinSCP, 7zip, Firefox, Thunderbird, SPSS,
Audacity, MarcEdit, FreeMind, Gimp
Umlaut, Blacklight, Xerxes, Fedora Commons, Solr, DSpace, Drupal, WordPress, Rails, Jenkins, djatoka, OpenLayers, Git,
Linux, PHP, Java, Apache, Tomcat, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
VuFind to develop our discovery layer, Shibboleth for identity management (this is the standard at our parent institution
and it has been integrated with library systems).
VuFind, Drupal, CORAL, ARC, Omeka, Solr
VuFind, DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), Papyrus, Islandora
Webcalendar, Hydra
WordPress, XTF, Omeka, Nagios, PKP OAI Harvester
Open Journal System (OJS)
Open Journal System (OJS), eXtensible Text Framework (XTF), AWStats, Daily Stats, WordPress, Webilizer,
GoogleAnalytics, MySQL, PHP
Open Journal System (OJS)
phpScheduleIt, Omeka, WordPress, Archon, ArchivesSpace, Blackligh, SubjectsPlus, Variations, Avalon, Fixity, Assana,
MarcEdit, DMPTool, Lucene/Solr, EzProxy, E-Prints
PHP, Blacklight, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Northwestern U Book Viewer, Solr, Lucene, GSearch, Djatoka, Fedora
Commons. SciDB, Openstack, django, Openshift, Drupal, CentOS, Cassandra, sqe, Ruby, Python (and libraries), Perl and
libraries, many Apache tools, GNU tools, Nagios Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD), Spacewalk, OCS Inventory
PHP, MySQL, Linux, Apache, Drupal
Public Knowledge Project (PKP), Research Project Calculator (Assignment Calculator), ArchivesSpace, Apache, Linux,
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hydra, Blacklight, Fedora Commons, Solr, PersistantURLs (PURLZ), Omeka, Open Journal System
Streetprint, DSpace, OS Ticket, Dokuwiki, Guide on the Side
SuraSpace products, SugarCRM, ArchivesSpace
The main library-specific OSS we use: VuFind (and Solr), DSpace, LOCKSS. We make heavy use of other general open
source software including Ubuntu, Apache, Tomcat, WordPress, etc.
This list could go on for pages: Apache, Fedora Commons, DSpace, Islandora, WordPress, Drupal, MySQL, Linux,
Docker, Redmine, OpenLDAP, VuFind, Arduino IDE, Open Journal System (OJS), Raspbian, OpenOffice, GIMP, etc. We
have both servers and desktops running various Linux flavours nearly every piece of software on them is by nature OSS.
Too many to mention. But here are some: Ubuntu, Apache, PostgreSQL, Python, django, Perl, PHP, Java (openjdk), Solr,
jQuery, D3, postfix, Nagios, phpScheduleIt, DSpace, Drupal, MySQL, osTickets.
UCLA MWF, DSpace, MySQL, Apache, PHP, SAMBA, Open SSL, Open SSH, Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu), Sendmail,
Solr,, Nutch, Tomcat, WINE, VirtualBox, KeePass, PuTTY, Pidgin, Stat Transfer, WinSCP, 7zip, Firefox, Thunderbird, SPSS,
Audacity, MarcEdit, FreeMind, Gimp
Umlaut, Blacklight, Xerxes, Fedora Commons, Solr, DSpace, Drupal, WordPress, Rails, Jenkins, djatoka, OpenLayers, Git,
Linux, PHP, Java, Apache, Tomcat, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
VuFind to develop our discovery layer, Shibboleth for identity management (this is the standard at our parent institution
and it has been integrated with library systems).
VuFind, Drupal, CORAL, ARC, Omeka, Solr
VuFind, DSpace, Open Journal System (OJS), Papyrus, Islandora
Webcalendar, Hydra
WordPress, XTF, Omeka, Nagios, PKP OAI Harvester