54 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Avalon Media System, Variations Digital Music Library, METS Navigator
Blacklight for displaying complex digital objects, Oral History Management Software
BLAST, C++ toolkit, SRA toolkit, PubReader
Citation Fox, IL Fox
Co-primary developer of Fedora Commons 4
Curator’s Workbench
Custom Voyager Reports Server
Developing a crowd-sourced transcription tool
Discovery: a Solr-based discovery tool that generalizes an index, search, browse, and deliver framework that can work
with content such as MARC records or EAD finding aids, but also including non-library context such as open access
publication of scholarly research, and a working catalog of global language observations by an international community
of scholars.
Digital Library Extension Service (DLXS)
ETD-db, ETD-db 2.0
EZProxy Wondertool, Mondo License Grinder
Guide on the Side
Hydra (parts of), CORAL, MyLibrary, VecNet
In coordination UVa with Cornell: Fedora Commons in coordination UVa with Stanford and University of Hull: Hydra
UVa: Blacklight UVa: Solrmarc UVa:Tracksys in coordination UVa with Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New
Media: Neatline.
IR+. eXtensible Catalog
RAMP SubjectsPlus
See https://github.com/gwu-libraries
Simple Archive Format Packager: a tool to support batch ingest of content into the institutional repository (DSpace) (in
Sobek, ASERL Disposition Database, jrnl
Sufia (a Hydra-based repository application)
Suma (mobile space assessment toolkit), lentil (Instagram viewing/sharing, and harvesting for archives), djatoka Ruby
gem (Image server wrapper)
Umlaut was originally developed by Ross Singer. We took it over very early on and have been the principal developers
since. Our library is the primary developer for the Data Conservancy.
Avalon Media System, Variations Digital Music Library, METS Navigator
Blacklight for displaying complex digital objects, Oral History Management Software
BLAST, C++ toolkit, SRA toolkit, PubReader
Citation Fox, IL Fox
Co-primary developer of Fedora Commons 4
Curator’s Workbench
Custom Voyager Reports Server
Developing a crowd-sourced transcription tool
Discovery: a Solr-based discovery tool that generalizes an index, search, browse, and deliver framework that can work
with content such as MARC records or EAD finding aids, but also including non-library context such as open access
publication of scholarly research, and a working catalog of global language observations by an international community
of scholars.
Digital Library Extension Service (DLXS)
ETD-db, ETD-db 2.0
EZProxy Wondertool, Mondo License Grinder
Guide on the Side
Hydra (parts of), CORAL, MyLibrary, VecNet
In coordination UVa with Cornell: Fedora Commons in coordination UVa with Stanford and University of Hull: Hydra
UVa: Blacklight UVa: Solrmarc UVa:Tracksys in coordination UVa with Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New
Media: Neatline.
IR+. eXtensible Catalog
RAMP SubjectsPlus
See https://github.com/gwu-libraries
Simple Archive Format Packager: a tool to support batch ingest of content into the institutional repository (DSpace) (in
Sobek, ASERL Disposition Database, jrnl
Sufia (a Hydra-based repository application)
Suma (mobile space assessment toolkit), lentil (Instagram viewing/sharing, and harvesting for archives), djatoka Ruby
gem (Image server wrapper)
Umlaut was originally developed by Ross Singer. We took it over very early on and have been the principal developers
since. Our library is the primary developer for the Data Conservancy.