SPEC Kit 308: Graduate Student and Faculty Spaces and Services · 67
23. How are your graduate student and/or faculty services and spaces marketed to the campus
community? Check all that apply. N=41
Word of mouth 38 93%
Principal library Web site 28 68%
Printed literature (brochures, bookmarks, etc.) 28 68%
Tours/orientation 28 68%
Visits to faculty and departmental meetings 24 59%
E-mail announcements targeting graduate students 21 51%
Visits to graduate student meetings 17 42%
E-mail announcements targeting faculty members 16 39%
Posters 7 17%
Separate research commons Web site 3 7%
Other strategies 8 20%
Please describe other strategies.
“Coordination with Graduate Division newsletter/coordinator.”
“General library publicity about new services.”
“Office hours in departmental offices.”
“Plasma screens in Faculty Commons and on other floors in library. Library’s subject specialists have been
enlisted to spread the word.”
“Press releases campus calendars”
“Public computer screen savers and plasma screens, Facebook ads (for graduate students), campus
“Spaces identified in building layouts and signage on the doors.”
“We market the Faculty and Graduate reading room with a fall reception for new grad students.”
23. How are your graduate student and/or faculty services and spaces marketed to the campus
community? Check all that apply. N=41
Word of mouth 38 93%
Principal library Web site 28 68%
Printed literature (brochures, bookmarks, etc.) 28 68%
Tours/orientation 28 68%
Visits to faculty and departmental meetings 24 59%
E-mail announcements targeting graduate students 21 51%
Visits to graduate student meetings 17 42%
E-mail announcements targeting faculty members 16 39%
Posters 7 17%
Separate research commons Web site 3 7%
Other strategies 8 20%
Please describe other strategies.
“Coordination with Graduate Division newsletter/coordinator.”
“General library publicity about new services.”
“Office hours in departmental offices.”
“Plasma screens in Faculty Commons and on other floors in library. Library’s subject specialists have been
enlisted to spread the word.”
“Press releases campus calendars”
“Public computer screen savers and plasma screens, Facebook ads (for graduate students), campus
“Spaces identified in building layouts and signage on the doors.”
“We market the Faculty and Graduate reading room with a fall reception for new grad students.”