SPEC Kit 308: Graduate Student and Faculty Spaces and Services · 37
Renovated Space
“Biomedical Library Graduate Study Room.”
“Library facilities were renovated in 2006. No additional space was added, collection stack space was
transformed to user space.”
“Renovated about a decade ago.”
“Some of the subject-specific spaces have been renovated within the last several years.”
“The group room had been staff offices. When offices were removed, we painted and put in new carpet and
“Will be renovated in next 18 months part of Learning Commons project.”
“Depends on the building.”
“The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre houses Rare Books &Special Collections, University Archives, Fine Arts
Library, Science &Engineering Division (‘library’ spaces). It also houses the Chapman Learning Commons,
a multi-use service point, both library information services and student services. Possibly also information
technology support (tbd). IKBLC also houses a host of flexible classrooms, study rooms, media rooms, social
spaces, and quiet study spaces.”
“The Teaching Support Centre is in a renovated space in The D.B. Weldon Library. Some service desks in the
libraries have been redesigned.”
“The University purchased an older building and renovated it for academic purposes.”
“It’s a space that badly needs renovation and future renovation plans will develop some much improved
spaces for faculty and grad students.”
“The faculty and graduate student reading rooms are not new. We have provided these services for a number
of years.”
“The spaces are not service points.”
10. Are patrons other than graduate students and/or faculty allowed to use the service point(s)?
Yes 26 67%
No 13 33%
Renovated Space
“Biomedical Library Graduate Study Room.”
“Library facilities were renovated in 2006. No additional space was added, collection stack space was
transformed to user space.”
“Renovated about a decade ago.”
“Some of the subject-specific spaces have been renovated within the last several years.”
“The group room had been staff offices. When offices were removed, we painted and put in new carpet and
“Will be renovated in next 18 months part of Learning Commons project.”
“Depends on the building.”
“The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre houses Rare Books &Special Collections, University Archives, Fine Arts
Library, Science &Engineering Division (‘library’ spaces). It also houses the Chapman Learning Commons,
a multi-use service point, both library information services and student services. Possibly also information
technology support (tbd). IKBLC also houses a host of flexible classrooms, study rooms, media rooms, social
spaces, and quiet study spaces.”
“The Teaching Support Centre is in a renovated space in The D.B. Weldon Library. Some service desks in the
libraries have been redesigned.”
“The University purchased an older building and renovated it for academic purposes.”
“It’s a space that badly needs renovation and future renovation plans will develop some much improved
spaces for faculty and grad students.”
“The faculty and graduate student reading rooms are not new. We have provided these services for a number
of years.”
“The spaces are not service points.”
10. Are patrons other than graduate students and/or faculty allowed to use the service point(s)?
Yes 26 67%
No 13 33%