50 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Campus Computing N=42
Yes 27 64%
No 15 36%
No formal contracts or MOUs 16 62%
Some arrangements are documented through contracts or MOUs 8 31%
All arrangements are documented with contracts or MOUs 2 7%
Role Provides Services from: MOU? Comments
Academic application support Another building on campus No
Campus mainframe servers Located in the library No
Columbia University IT Department DSSC No CUIT supports equipment
interface, server maintenance,
assists in user consultations by
providing technical advice.
Computer lab help desk Computer lab in library All
Computing labs open to all campus
Two libraries Some
Consortium of colleges provides
computing support and laptops
for loan help desk downloadable
Most library buildings Some
For all users: IT help desk in library,
wired and wireless network support,
provide workstations and printers,
security cameras for computing
Help desk in Library and OIT
offices outside library
I.T. Help Desk, Teaching lab computer
Library and other locations Some MOU for use of shared, computer-
equipped classrooms in library.
IT has a help desk in 3 spaces that
cater to grad students and faculty.
Scholars Lab, the humanities/
social sciences library, the science
library, and the Institute for
Advanced Technology in the
Humanities which is housed in the
IT help desk Computer lab located in the main
Campus Computing N=42
Yes 27 64%
No 15 36%
No formal contracts or MOUs 16 62%
Some arrangements are documented through contracts or MOUs 8 31%
All arrangements are documented with contracts or MOUs 2 7%
Role Provides Services from: MOU? Comments
Academic application support Another building on campus No
Campus mainframe servers Located in the library No
Columbia University IT Department DSSC No CUIT supports equipment
interface, server maintenance,
assists in user consultations by
providing technical advice.
Computer lab help desk Computer lab in library All
Computing labs open to all campus
Two libraries Some
Consortium of colleges provides
computing support and laptops
for loan help desk downloadable
Most library buildings Some
For all users: IT help desk in library,
wired and wireless network support,
provide workstations and printers,
security cameras for computing
Help desk in Library and OIT
offices outside library
I.T. Help Desk, Teaching lab computer
Library and other locations Some MOU for use of shared, computer-
equipped classrooms in library.
IT has a help desk in 3 spaces that
cater to grad students and faculty.
Scholars Lab, the humanities/
social sciences library, the science
library, and the Institute for
Advanced Technology in the
Humanities which is housed in the
IT help desk Computer lab located in the main