24 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Other individual(s), group(s),
or entity contacted.
Other information
gathering method and the
corresponding individuals,
group, or entity.
Graduate and faculty tours and
orientations. Current holders of spaces
in Olin, the library currently in design
development for a phased renovation.
(formal interviews)
Field observation in general for
student study spaces. Interviews.
Most of the communication regarding
these spaces comes through
representatives to the library via
formal campus committees.
Comments from LibQUAL+® have
been helpful in obtaining feedback
about these spaces.
Non-library staff at our university
Members of the public who are not
affiliated with our university but who
use the library University alumni
Donors to the library and to the
university. (anecdotal feedback)
Meetings of standing faculty
committees—formal and informal
conversations University library
donors—informal conversations
University alumni—informal
Other libraries where an information
commons has been implemented.
infocommons-l listserv The listserv has been incredibly
Our satellite campus was modeled on
corporate libraries.
Staff of the student union on Grounds.
(focus groups)
The Dean’s office (having previously
been contacted by students) strongly
supported the development of many
additional group study rooms in the
Owen Library renovation.
The library has provided study carrels
for graduate students for about 20
Data support group (not connected
to campus computing), Institute
for Governmental Studies, Survey
Research Center. (anecdotal feedback)
Since we have several spaces and
services specifically for graduate
students, it is difficult to summarize
all in one list. It is also challenging
since many of these spaces/services
were conceived and in place prior to
my arrival on campus and I do not
have a complete history to reference.
Other individual(s), group(s),
or entity contacted.
Other information
gathering method and the
corresponding individuals,
group, or entity.
Graduate and faculty tours and
orientations. Current holders of spaces
in Olin, the library currently in design
development for a phased renovation.
(formal interviews)
Field observation in general for
student study spaces. Interviews.
Most of the communication regarding
these spaces comes through
representatives to the library via
formal campus committees.
Comments from LibQUAL+® have
been helpful in obtaining feedback
about these spaces.
Non-library staff at our university
Members of the public who are not
affiliated with our university but who
use the library University alumni
Donors to the library and to the
university. (anecdotal feedback)
Meetings of standing faculty
committees—formal and informal
conversations University library
donors—informal conversations
University alumni—informal
Other libraries where an information
commons has been implemented.
infocommons-l listserv The listserv has been incredibly
Our satellite campus was modeled on
corporate libraries.
Staff of the student union on Grounds.
(focus groups)
The Dean’s office (having previously
been contacted by students) strongly
supported the development of many
additional group study rooms in the
Owen Library renovation.
The library has provided study carrels
for graduate students for about 20
Data support group (not connected
to campus computing), Institute
for Governmental Studies, Survey
Research Center. (anecdotal feedback)
Since we have several spaces and
services specifically for graduate
students, it is difficult to summarize
all in one list. It is also challenging
since many of these spaces/services
were conceived and in place prior to
my arrival on campus and I do not
have a complete history to reference.