SPEC Kit 308: Graduate Student and Faculty Spaces and Services · 21
our Clientel and began investigating what other institutions were doing in this area.”
“Tradition of providing services/spaces to faculty and graduate students.”
“We have a graduate student reading room, individual closed study carrels for graduate students, and
individual closed study carrels for faculty. They have been in place since the building was built in 1970.”
“We have a satellite campus library that was designed to serve faculty and students in executive graduate
“We have historically provided spaces for both faculty and grad students. Recently we have recognized the
need to rethink the space and to identify complementary services. At the same time we have been approached
by the Graduate College (on behalf of students) with a request for some space specifically where dissertation
writing groups can meet. So basic space currently being provided for both group, but looking at providing
different/better space and services for grad students.”
“We have provided Faculty &Graduate reading rooms in both our main library and science library for a
number of years. In the main library, the reading room is for use by both faculty and grad students. In
the Science Library, we used to provide two reading rooms — one for Faculty and one for Grad students.
However, we have recently consolidated into a combined faculty/grad student reading room.”
3. Are spaces or services targeted to a specific department or discipline? N=47
Yes No
Graduate Students 13 34
Faculty 8 33
Total number of respondents 13 36
If yes, please specify the department(s) or discipline(s).
“Art History, Music, Faculty study spaces in Humanities and Social Sciences.”
“Business Law School.”
“Digital Humanities projects, faculty and graduate students.”
“Education, Business Administration, Information Sciences, and select engineering programs and research
“Faculties of: Science &Engineering Agriculture &Environmental Sciences Arts.”
“For Graduate Study Room: targeted to School of Medicine and Division of Biological Sciences but is open to
all graduate students in any discipline. For graduate student lockers: targeted to any graduate student using
the arts collections.”
“Graduate Services Library focuses mainly on the humanities, though welcomes all. Data Lab focuses mainly
on the social sciences, though welcomes all.”
our Clientel and began investigating what other institutions were doing in this area.”
“Tradition of providing services/spaces to faculty and graduate students.”
“We have a graduate student reading room, individual closed study carrels for graduate students, and
individual closed study carrels for faculty. They have been in place since the building was built in 1970.”
“We have a satellite campus library that was designed to serve faculty and students in executive graduate
“We have historically provided spaces for both faculty and grad students. Recently we have recognized the
need to rethink the space and to identify complementary services. At the same time we have been approached
by the Graduate College (on behalf of students) with a request for some space specifically where dissertation
writing groups can meet. So basic space currently being provided for both group, but looking at providing
different/better space and services for grad students.”
“We have provided Faculty &Graduate reading rooms in both our main library and science library for a
number of years. In the main library, the reading room is for use by both faculty and grad students. In
the Science Library, we used to provide two reading rooms — one for Faculty and one for Grad students.
However, we have recently consolidated into a combined faculty/grad student reading room.”
3. Are spaces or services targeted to a specific department or discipline? N=47
Yes No
Graduate Students 13 34
Faculty 8 33
Total number of respondents 13 36
If yes, please specify the department(s) or discipline(s).
“Art History, Music, Faculty study spaces in Humanities and Social Sciences.”
“Business Law School.”
“Digital Humanities projects, faculty and graduate students.”
“Education, Business Administration, Information Sciences, and select engineering programs and research
“Faculties of: Science &Engineering Agriculture &Environmental Sciences Arts.”
“For Graduate Study Room: targeted to School of Medicine and Division of Biological Sciences but is open to
all graduate students in any discipline. For graduate student lockers: targeted to any graduate student using
the arts collections.”
“Graduate Services Library focuses mainly on the humanities, though welcomes all. Data Lab focuses mainly
on the social sciences, though welcomes all.”