SPEC Kit 308: Graduate Student and Faculty Spaces and Services · 43
Quiet Study Collaboration Presentations Classrooms Comments
20 10 10 10 The rest of the space is collections. The
space for other activities will grow as more
collections are moved off-site.
23 11 23 27 There is some overlap between the
categories listed above. For example, two
of the smaller conference rooms are used
for louder collaborative work and for smaller
25 65 10
50 30 5 15 This applies to all of our subject specific
50 40 10
50 50
50 50
60 15 5 20
67 33
70 30
80 5 10 5
80 10 10
90 10
90 10
90 10
95 5
100 100 The Roger C. Holden Faculty and Graduate
Student Reading Room is typically configured
for quiet study, but it is occasionally used for
events and presentations. The room is either
configured 100% for quiet study, or 100%
for presentations/events. The Science Library
Faculty and Graduate Student Reading Room
is always configured for quiet study.
100 Difficult to answer this question as the
Faculty Writing Place is quiet unless there is
an event going on with food, speaker, and
collaboration or a group comes in. It’s the
same space used for a variety of purposes.
A classroom is adjoining and connected by a
Quiet Study Collaboration Presentations Classrooms Comments
20 10 10 10 The rest of the space is collections. The
space for other activities will grow as more
collections are moved off-site.
23 11 23 27 There is some overlap between the
categories listed above. For example, two
of the smaller conference rooms are used
for louder collaborative work and for smaller
25 65 10
50 30 5 15 This applies to all of our subject specific
50 40 10
50 50
50 50
60 15 5 20
67 33
70 30
80 5 10 5
80 10 10
90 10
90 10
90 10
95 5
100 100 The Roger C. Holden Faculty and Graduate
Student Reading Room is typically configured
for quiet study, but it is occasionally used for
events and presentations. The room is either
configured 100% for quiet study, or 100%
for presentations/events. The Science Library
Faculty and Graduate Student Reading Room
is always configured for quiet study.
100 Difficult to answer this question as the
Faculty Writing Place is quiet unless there is
an event going on with food, speaker, and
collaboration or a group comes in. It’s the
same space used for a variety of purposes.
A classroom is adjoining and connected by a