18 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
1. Does your library provide (or plan to provide) spaces or services specifically designed for graduate
students and/or faculty? N=65
We provide (or plan to provide) spaces or services specifically designed
for both graduate students and faculty 39 60%
We provide (or plan to provide) spaces or services specifically designed
for graduate students but not faculty 7 10%
We provide (or plan to provide) spaces or services specifically designed
for faculty but not graduate students 2 3%
We don’t distinguish between spaces or services for graduate students
or faculty and other users 14 22%
Not applicable, this is not an academic library 3 5%
If your library provides (or plans to provide) spaces or services specifically designed for graduate
students and/or faculty, please complete this survey.
If your library doesn’t distinguish between spaces or services for graduate students or faculty and
other users, or is not an academic library, submit the survey now. Thank you—your response is
also valuable.
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