16 · Survey Results: Executive Summary
office) was surprising. The lack of formal documenta-
tion for these partnerships was a point of concern.
ARL member libraries employ a variety of instru-
ments for publicizing their spaces and services for
this population — but very few have formal market-
ing plans. Very few keep discrete statistics or evalu-
ate their deliverables beyond the traditional general
library assessment tools.
Further research is required to determine the
success of these new services and spaces over time.
Still to be discovered are how satisfied users are with
the new offerings, how sustainable the new service
models will be over time, and ultimately, what im-
pact these new deliverables will have on the teach-
ing, learning, and research conducted by faculty and
graduate students.
office) was surprising. The lack of formal documenta-
tion for these partnerships was a point of concern.
ARL member libraries employ a variety of instru-
ments for publicizing their spaces and services for
this population — but very few have formal market-
ing plans. Very few keep discrete statistics or evalu-
ate their deliverables beyond the traditional general
library assessment tools.
Further research is required to determine the
success of these new services and spaces over time.
Still to be discovered are how satisfied users are with
the new offerings, how sustainable the new service
models will be over time, and ultimately, what im-
pact these new deliverables will have on the teach-
ing, learning, and research conducted by faculty and
graduate students.