SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 91
Ability to provide high-level research services and educational services. Ability to gather frontline information about
current research and educational directions at the university. Integration into the university community.
Being out of the library and in the users’ environment prompts questions and connections that would have been
missed otherwise. Close relationships with individual users and groups of users users have a go-to person (for
anything) and recognizable contact with the library. Services are based on knowledge of the population served and
customized accordingly.
Benefit for faculty, students, and staff to have a single point of contact with the library. Benefit to library and to
liaisons that collection development, instruction, and reference inform each other. Benefit to university and academic
departments because they have an advocate inside the library.
Better communication from departments to library. Better communication from library to departments. Higher library
visibility across campus.
Better education for students, faculty and staff on information literacy. Better collections that reflect university needs.
Targeted programs based on department or college.
Better service to faculty and students. Deeper engagement in the research, teaching, and learning process. Sense of
professional identity.
Better understanding of the needs of programs and departments in order to respond appropriately to campus needs.
Increased student and faculty use of the library. We are working towards a student body with stronger information
literacy skills at graduation.
Builds strong relationship with departments, providing key contact who ensures their needs are met. Leverages librarian
expertise in specific subject areas.
Close communication and collaboration with academic departments and other groups external to the libraries.
Increased recognition of how librarians help achieve the university’s mission. Increased ability to develop expertise and
anticipate or respond to our users’ needs.
Close connections to departments. Specialization—liaisons develop expertise in certain areas that is valuable. Provides
a human face for library.
Close relationships with faculty, which help us develop better services. Positive feedback from departments is beneficial
during our budgeting process. We can more easily identify campus-wide trends in their early stages.
Closer relationships with faculty and students. Higher visibility for the library and its services. Library is viewed as an
active partner in the academic enterprise.
Connection to the faculty who drive the curriculum. Visibility for the Libraries. More seamless support for students if
librarians are directly involved in subject area.
Demonstrate value to communicate. Personalize relationships with department. Increase collaboration opportunities.
Develop relationships with research faculty and contribute to the development of strong teaching and learning across
the campus. Ability to engage and support learners. Increased profile of Libraries and Cultural Resources across campus
and within the broader community.
Development of close relationships to academic units. Subject expertise makes support more effective. More informed
acquisitions decisions and collection management.
Ability to provide high-level research services and educational services. Ability to gather frontline information about
current research and educational directions at the university. Integration into the university community.
Being out of the library and in the users’ environment prompts questions and connections that would have been
missed otherwise. Close relationships with individual users and groups of users users have a go-to person (for
anything) and recognizable contact with the library. Services are based on knowledge of the population served and
customized accordingly.
Benefit for faculty, students, and staff to have a single point of contact with the library. Benefit to library and to
liaisons that collection development, instruction, and reference inform each other. Benefit to university and academic
departments because they have an advocate inside the library.
Better communication from departments to library. Better communication from library to departments. Higher library
visibility across campus.
Better education for students, faculty and staff on information literacy. Better collections that reflect university needs.
Targeted programs based on department or college.
Better service to faculty and students. Deeper engagement in the research, teaching, and learning process. Sense of
professional identity.
Better understanding of the needs of programs and departments in order to respond appropriately to campus needs.
Increased student and faculty use of the library. We are working towards a student body with stronger information
literacy skills at graduation.
Builds strong relationship with departments, providing key contact who ensures their needs are met. Leverages librarian
expertise in specific subject areas.
Close communication and collaboration with academic departments and other groups external to the libraries.
Increased recognition of how librarians help achieve the university’s mission. Increased ability to develop expertise and
anticipate or respond to our users’ needs.
Close connections to departments. Specialization—liaisons develop expertise in certain areas that is valuable. Provides
a human face for library.
Close relationships with faculty, which help us develop better services. Positive feedback from departments is beneficial
during our budgeting process. We can more easily identify campus-wide trends in their early stages.
Closer relationships with faculty and students. Higher visibility for the library and its services. Library is viewed as an
active partner in the academic enterprise.
Connection to the faculty who drive the curriculum. Visibility for the Libraries. More seamless support for students if
librarians are directly involved in subject area.
Demonstrate value to communicate. Personalize relationships with department. Increase collaboration opportunities.
Develop relationships with research faculty and contribute to the development of strong teaching and learning across
the campus. Ability to engage and support learners. Increased profile of Libraries and Cultural Resources across campus
and within the broader community.
Development of close relationships to academic units. Subject expertise makes support more effective. More informed
acquisitions decisions and collection management.