SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 61
Special events include presence at various “fairs” hosted by other groups on campus, as well as orientations at the
beginning of the academic year.
Student orientations, departmental student organizations
University staff newspaper, all-faculty monthly newsletter sent out by VP that may include 1–2 short items from
the library
Various methods depending on nature of department or program
We don’t have many actively blogging, and those who do I have no way of knowing what faculty read them. We do
have twitter posts, and many of our news online pieces go there as well some make it to the university news online.
We have very limited access to marketing help.
24. Please identify additional partners with which liaisons at your institution typically work. Check all
that apply. N=61
Center for teaching and learning 54 89%
Information technology 45 74%
Student affairs 41 67%
Office for institutional research 39 64%
Office of accessibility 35 57%
Office of sponsored programs 34 56%
Office of assessment 27 44%
Other partner 28 46%
Please specify the other partner. N=28
ACCAD Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Centers like ME Center, Center for Medieval
Renaissance Studies
Advanced research computing, ICPSR, medical school
Digital Humanities Center, VP for Research
Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
First Year Experience, Residence Life
General education program
Informatics (different than information technology), Graduate College
International Programs, Honor Council, Center for Multicultural Equity and Access
Interprofessional Education, college-level curriculum committees and accreditation committees, individual research and
clinical faculty, National Medical Student Association
Library administration liaises with Office of Research, Athletics, etc.
Library has its own IT department, liaisons with specialization in RDM connect with Office of Research
Special events include presence at various “fairs” hosted by other groups on campus, as well as orientations at the
beginning of the academic year.
Student orientations, departmental student organizations
University staff newspaper, all-faculty monthly newsletter sent out by VP that may include 1–2 short items from
the library
Various methods depending on nature of department or program
We don’t have many actively blogging, and those who do I have no way of knowing what faculty read them. We do
have twitter posts, and many of our news online pieces go there as well some make it to the university news online.
We have very limited access to marketing help.
24. Please identify additional partners with which liaisons at your institution typically work. Check all
that apply. N=61
Center for teaching and learning 54 89%
Information technology 45 74%
Student affairs 41 67%
Office for institutional research 39 64%
Office of accessibility 35 57%
Office of sponsored programs 34 56%
Office of assessment 27 44%
Other partner 28 46%
Please specify the other partner. N=28
ACCAD Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Centers like ME Center, Center for Medieval
Renaissance Studies
Advanced research computing, ICPSR, medical school
Digital Humanities Center, VP for Research
Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA)
First Year Experience, Residence Life
General education program
Informatics (different than information technology), Graduate College
International Programs, Honor Council, Center for Multicultural Equity and Access
Interprofessional Education, college-level curriculum committees and accreditation committees, individual research and
clinical faculty, National Medical Student Association
Library administration liaises with Office of Research, Athletics, etc.
Library has its own IT department, liaisons with specialization in RDM connect with Office of Research