SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 85
Reference questions/consultations, instructional sessions
Reference transactions, teaching, research consultations
Research consultations, instruction
Research consultations, reference questions, instruction sessions taught, etc.
Statistics for faculty/student collection requests research consultations provided by subject reference desk statistics
instruction sessions by department, session type, and class size number of research/course guides created number of
tours and orientations number of outreach opportunities provided by department
Stats in RefTracker and Digital Measures
Teaching, consultation, and reference encounters are all documented.
We collect ARL statistics related to liaison activity, including the number of instruction sessions offered and the number
of unique individuals attending the instruction sessions.
We collect data on various types of consultative and instructional activities, including: time spent in prep and in direct
engagement, the modality of engagement, the type of service that is engaged, and the demographic information of the
department and individuals served.
We collect instruction statistics.
We gather statistics on instruction and research consultation sessions, as well as tracking collection expenditures for
those liaisons who have collection portfolios.
We keep statistics on instruction, research consultations, and office hours in academic departments.
We use a home-grown system to collect input stats (knowledge transactions in a liaison role (could be reference,
instruction, consultation, presentations at departments), or other activities like attending seminars, department
meetings, etc.
Yes, though these statistics may or may not be shared, interpreted, and used for continual improvement.
Additional Comments N=2
Not currently, we are trying to define new structures and categories for which we should collect statistics. ARL
stats are still collected for reference and instruction, but those are seen as increasingly incomplete as reflections of
liaison activities.
Not yet
39. Has there been any formal evaluation of the effectiveness of liaison services? N=66
Yes 32 49%
No 34 51%
If yes, please indicate the method of evaluation. Check all that apply. N=32
Tracked number of instruction sessions 32 100%
Tracked number of reference/research interviews 31 97%
Reference questions/consultations, instructional sessions
Reference transactions, teaching, research consultations
Research consultations, instruction
Research consultations, reference questions, instruction sessions taught, etc.
Statistics for faculty/student collection requests research consultations provided by subject reference desk statistics
instruction sessions by department, session type, and class size number of research/course guides created number of
tours and orientations number of outreach opportunities provided by department
Stats in RefTracker and Digital Measures
Teaching, consultation, and reference encounters are all documented.
We collect ARL statistics related to liaison activity, including the number of instruction sessions offered and the number
of unique individuals attending the instruction sessions.
We collect data on various types of consultative and instructional activities, including: time spent in prep and in direct
engagement, the modality of engagement, the type of service that is engaged, and the demographic information of the
department and individuals served.
We collect instruction statistics.
We gather statistics on instruction and research consultation sessions, as well as tracking collection expenditures for
those liaisons who have collection portfolios.
We keep statistics on instruction, research consultations, and office hours in academic departments.
We use a home-grown system to collect input stats (knowledge transactions in a liaison role (could be reference,
instruction, consultation, presentations at departments), or other activities like attending seminars, department
meetings, etc.
Yes, though these statistics may or may not be shared, interpreted, and used for continual improvement.
Additional Comments N=2
Not currently, we are trying to define new structures and categories for which we should collect statistics. ARL
stats are still collected for reference and instruction, but those are seen as increasingly incomplete as reflections of
liaison activities.
Not yet
39. Has there been any formal evaluation of the effectiveness of liaison services? N=66
Yes 32 49%
No 34 51%
If yes, please indicate the method of evaluation. Check all that apply. N=32
Tracked number of instruction sessions 32 100%
Tracked number of reference/research interviews 31 97%