SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 31
Under the Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services, which also includes services for graduate and
undergraduate students as separate but related areas.
When the program began, liaisons all had other responsibilities, which determined the reporting line and position in the
library’s organizational structure.
Within one of the main areas of the new reorganization called Academic Engagement, which consists of four teams.
Liaisons are members of two of those teams.
Within public services mostly
Within the Research &Instruction Services division so they are all public services staff.
6. Does your library have a written definition/description of liaison service/practice? N=65
Yes 47 72%
No 18 28%
7. Does your library have written policies or guidelines governing the functions, activities, or
responsibilities of library liaisons? N=64
Yes 36 56%
No 28 44%
8. Do liaisons participate in establishing policies governing their activities? N=66
Yes 55 83%
No 12 17%
If yes, please explain their role in establishing policies. N=55
A group of librarians participated in the negotiation of the 2007 liaison agreement. Subsequently, liaisons establish their
annual goals and objectives for liaison with their immediate supervisor, along with other duties and responsibilities.
Academic liaisons meet as a group to discuss various issues and activities. There is also a Collections Advisory
Committee with representation from humanities, social sciences, health sciences, sciences, and fine arts.
All members of Liaison Services participate in the annual planning process that develops departmental goals for the
year. We also, as a department, review and revise our entire strategic document every two years.
All our documents are designed with their input.
All subject specialists meet twice monthly to discuss matters of mutual concern and approve changes in policies
and procedures.
As a group, the liaisons discuss and define best practices.
Under the Associate Dean for Research and Learning Services, which also includes services for graduate and
undergraduate students as separate but related areas.
When the program began, liaisons all had other responsibilities, which determined the reporting line and position in the
library’s organizational structure.
Within one of the main areas of the new reorganization called Academic Engagement, which consists of four teams.
Liaisons are members of two of those teams.
Within public services mostly
Within the Research &Instruction Services division so they are all public services staff.
6. Does your library have a written definition/description of liaison service/practice? N=65
Yes 47 72%
No 18 28%
7. Does your library have written policies or guidelines governing the functions, activities, or
responsibilities of library liaisons? N=64
Yes 36 56%
No 28 44%
8. Do liaisons participate in establishing policies governing their activities? N=66
Yes 55 83%
No 12 17%
If yes, please explain their role in establishing policies. N=55
A group of librarians participated in the negotiation of the 2007 liaison agreement. Subsequently, liaisons establish their
annual goals and objectives for liaison with their immediate supervisor, along with other duties and responsibilities.
Academic liaisons meet as a group to discuss various issues and activities. There is also a Collections Advisory
Committee with representation from humanities, social sciences, health sciences, sciences, and fine arts.
All members of Liaison Services participate in the annual planning process that develops departmental goals for the
year. We also, as a department, review and revise our entire strategic document every two years.
All our documents are designed with their input.
All subject specialists meet twice monthly to discuss matters of mutual concern and approve changes in policies
and procedures.
As a group, the liaisons discuss and define best practices.