170 · Representative Documents: Program Evolution
Strategic Objective III.1 Formalize the Network of Library Liaisons… Appendix 2
The following general insights and recommendations emerged from the discussions with library
directors and outreach coordinators:
The success of our liaison efforts depends on resources, but also on a chemistry between the
department/program and the liaison
Resources among libraries vary
Being in the building where the college is makes liaison much easier
While everyone uses CountIt, only Management is piloting a Customer Management System.
There is a feeling that not enough information is provided for liaisons on library-­‐wide initiatives.
Leverage resources across the system to ensure liaison sustainability (e.g. Olin and FA, Mann
and Vet)
Collaborate with other functional units (e.g. DCAPS, Metadata Services, IT) to create a
production line behind public services liaison activities
Provide a consistent level of liaison engagement across the system that is customized for the
local audience
Formalize the liaison program based on department and program affiliation but also on subject
Provide a “best-­‐practices” blue-­‐print for liaisons
Provide training for liaisons and encourage them to increase subject expertise and knowledge of
Provide regular information on library-­‐wide initiatives for liaisons
Leverage expertise in areas that span subjects more effectively (e.g. RMC, GIS, data curation,
visual resources)
Make time for liaison activities and make this activity a priority
Specify expectations, make liaison activities part of the performance dialogue, provide measures
of success
Provide a forum to share the information both with staff in the units and across the system
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