40 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
If support staff are assigned liaison responsibility, please list their position title(s). N=12
At HSL, interested support staff have been assigned a back-up or assistant liaison role. Their position titles have not
been changed but their job responsibilities have been adjusted.
Cartographic &Geospatial specialist: outreach for GIS and related services
Library Assistant
Library Specialist, Sr.
Programs and planning department has liaison relationships these include grants, programs, communications and
programming staff. Events staff has liaisons relationships as well.
Senior Library Technician
Support staff are not usually assigned exclusive liaison responsibilities, but are assigned supporting responsibilities, such
as bibliographer’s assistant, or helping with teaching.
The ALP has an Outreach Coordinator staff position responsible for event planning and management. This position
does not perform liaison duties directly, but indirectly serves and facilitates one of the primary functions of the
liaison program.
To be determined
We have a few language experts (Dutch &Scandinavian) who serve as liaison librarians. They are part of technical
services and not research.
We have one library assistant IV, whose position is in technical services and supports cataloging in Asian languages,
who has functioned as the ‘subject liaison’ for Asian and Chinese studies. For many of the faculty in her area, she
functions and is considered by them fully their liaison librarian. The formal role of Asian Studies Liaison is held by a
professional librarian, but for CJK materials s/he defers completely to this person. The LA IV is currently in an MLIS
program and will get the degree within a year.
We have two support staff who were hired in the 1970s when a deep subject knowledge without a library degree was
enough to be hired into a librarian position (one has a deep understanding of the performing arts and the other has a
subject Master’s). 1. Library Coordinator, Chinese Language/Literature, East Asian Languages &Literatures, Germanic
Languages &Literatures, Holocaust Studies, Japanese Language &Literature. 2. Subject Specialist for Art, Dance,
Drama, Film, Visual &Performing Arts
If another category of staff is assigned liaison responsibility, please describe that category. N=5
At HSL, Research Assistants (first and second year library school students who are employed half-time by HSL) gradually
take on some liaison responsibilities in a back-up or assistant liaison role. These responsibilities can include staffing
office hours in another building, team teaching or solo teaching within the curriculum, helping with consults and
reference inquiries for a constituent group, or creating subject guides for a particular group.
Other staff help with some collection management related duties, primarily support with foreign language materials.
The library has a number of people who are IT professionals who do a great deal of liaison work—but they are not
assigned to any particular discipline or academic department. These include the manager of the 3D lab, academic
technologists, and manager of emerging technologies.
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