176 · Representative Documents: Program Evolution
Liaison Services |Strategic Document
The Liaison Services Department developed this strategic document in the summer
of 2013 with revisions in summer 2014. It maintains the Mission, Vision, and revised
Values from the departmental documents that guided our work from 2011 to 2013,
but provides a new set of goals for 2014‐2015.
All members of the Liaison Services Department contributed to this document by
participating in facilitated discussions about our departmental values, a SWOT
analysis, brainstorming sessions based on the UH Libraries new 2013‐16 Strategic
Directions and the university’s Tier One initiatives, and a conversation about our
de�inition of success for the department. The department heads and Liaison
Leadership Team reviewed the results of these activities and synthesized them into a
single document.
Our department’s 2014‐15 goals align closely with the university priorities of
National Recognition, particularly for research, and Student Success, as well as with
the UH Libraries’ Strategic Directions, especially “Target Speci�ic User Groups with
Customized Services and Niche Collections” and “Promote UH Libraries with a
Consistent Message and a Focused Outreach Strategy.”
The goals also include two departmental values we seek to highlight and enhance
this year, Internal Collaboration and Accountability, and include under the umbrella
of Liaison Services the goals of two committees whose membership goes beyond the
department, the Instruction Management Committee (IMC) and the Collection
Management Committee (CMC). We have included these areas in our departmental
goals in order to encourage Liaison Services members to thoughtfully consider how
their work can uphold two especially important departmental values and to
establish stronger relationships between the department and the committees that
oversee two of the functional areas for which liaison librarians are responsible.
Liaison Services |Strategic Document
The Liaison Services Department developed this strategic document in the summer
of 2013 with revisions in summer 2014. It maintains the Mission, Vision, and revised
Values from the departmental documents that guided our work from 2011 to 2013,
but provides a new set of goals for 2014‐2015.
All members of the Liaison Services Department contributed to this document by
participating in facilitated discussions about our departmental values, a SWOT
analysis, brainstorming sessions based on the UH Libraries new 2013‐16 Strategic
Directions and the university’s Tier One initiatives, and a conversation about our
de�inition of success for the department. The department heads and Liaison
Leadership Team reviewed the results of these activities and synthesized them into a
single document.
Our department’s 2014‐15 goals align closely with the university priorities of
National Recognition, particularly for research, and Student Success, as well as with
the UH Libraries’ Strategic Directions, especially “Target Speci�ic User Groups with
Customized Services and Niche Collections” and “Promote UH Libraries with a
Consistent Message and a Focused Outreach Strategy.”
The goals also include two departmental values we seek to highlight and enhance
this year, Internal Collaboration and Accountability, and include under the umbrella
of Liaison Services the goals of two committees whose membership goes beyond the
department, the Instruction Management Committee (IMC) and the Collection
Management Committee (CMC). We have included these areas in our departmental
goals in order to encourage Liaison Services members to thoughtfully consider how
their work can uphold two especially important departmental values and to
establish stronger relationships between the department and the committees that
oversee two of the functional areas for which liaison librarians are responsible.