SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 59
New literacies education 38 58%
Other service 16 24%
Please specify the other service. N=16
Data visualization support, GIS support
Facilitate partnerships within the library and across campus for research and digital scholarship initiatives.
Integration of special collections objects into curriculum, partner on digital research projects
Literature searching, support for systematic reviews
New faculty orientation to the library (consultations), large orientations for new undergrads and grads (N.B. not all
liaisons do all things on this list.)
Not all liaisons provide all of these services. They may put a faculty member in their department in touch with the IR
coordinator for repository questions. Consultation about IP is becoming a much larger role and we are ramping up
training so all liaisons will be comfortable responding to these, though can also refer complex issues to Director of
Scholarly Communications.
NOTE: library instruction is not part of our curriculum per se, but we conduct instructions sessions for specific classes.
We do not have an institutional repository.
Program partnerships, e.g., exhibits, panel presentations
Promoting Digital Research Services. At HSL, collection development is not a primary role of HSL liaisons. Typically, the
liaison works with the HSL Collections Development Librarian or turns over requests to that librarian. For new programs
starting up, the liaison will work with the Collection Development Librarian to assess the collection and access needs
and help determine appropriate resources with the faculty involved. Liaisons are often on program teams in the schools
preparing and participating in program reviews and accreditations. Often the liaison is asked to draft the library or
information competency related portions of documentation for these. We also have access to a University Library
Scholarly Communications Officer for complex intellectual property, copyright, and fair use questions. Liaisons know the
basics. We promote the liaisons as a “face” to HSL for any questions, resources, or services they need and the liaison is
equipped to handle, refer, advocate, or discover what will meet the user’s need.
Promotion of open access journal development, provide e-theses deposit support for institutional repository
Referral services to different libraries, service units, and functional specialists
Text mining, for units with interest. For consultation on copyright and intellectual property issues, a liaison librarian may
play a role in referring library users to other library staff.
The other non-checked items we refer or work at different levels.
We have an IP (intellectual property) expert in the library who handles these requests. Liaisons are generally aware of
the issues but not experts in IP.
We offer a workshop series on research topics: literature review, ORCID, altmetrics, impact factors, EndNote/Zotero, etc.
Creating LibGuides for subject areas and for specific courses.
Working with departments on development of student exhibitions. This role, along with others listed, is dependent on
departmental interest and uptake.
New literacies education 38 58%
Other service 16 24%
Please specify the other service. N=16
Data visualization support, GIS support
Facilitate partnerships within the library and across campus for research and digital scholarship initiatives.
Integration of special collections objects into curriculum, partner on digital research projects
Literature searching, support for systematic reviews
New faculty orientation to the library (consultations), large orientations for new undergrads and grads (N.B. not all
liaisons do all things on this list.)
Not all liaisons provide all of these services. They may put a faculty member in their department in touch with the IR
coordinator for repository questions. Consultation about IP is becoming a much larger role and we are ramping up
training so all liaisons will be comfortable responding to these, though can also refer complex issues to Director of
Scholarly Communications.
NOTE: library instruction is not part of our curriculum per se, but we conduct instructions sessions for specific classes.
We do not have an institutional repository.
Program partnerships, e.g., exhibits, panel presentations
Promoting Digital Research Services. At HSL, collection development is not a primary role of HSL liaisons. Typically, the
liaison works with the HSL Collections Development Librarian or turns over requests to that librarian. For new programs
starting up, the liaison will work with the Collection Development Librarian to assess the collection and access needs
and help determine appropriate resources with the faculty involved. Liaisons are often on program teams in the schools
preparing and participating in program reviews and accreditations. Often the liaison is asked to draft the library or
information competency related portions of documentation for these. We also have access to a University Library
Scholarly Communications Officer for complex intellectual property, copyright, and fair use questions. Liaisons know the
basics. We promote the liaisons as a “face” to HSL for any questions, resources, or services they need and the liaison is
equipped to handle, refer, advocate, or discover what will meet the user’s need.
Promotion of open access journal development, provide e-theses deposit support for institutional repository
Referral services to different libraries, service units, and functional specialists
Text mining, for units with interest. For consultation on copyright and intellectual property issues, a liaison librarian may
play a role in referring library users to other library staff.
The other non-checked items we refer or work at different levels.
We have an IP (intellectual property) expert in the library who handles these requests. Liaisons are generally aware of
the issues but not experts in IP.
We offer a workshop series on research topics: literature review, ORCID, altmetrics, impact factors, EndNote/Zotero, etc.
Creating LibGuides for subject areas and for specific courses.
Working with departments on development of student exhibitions. This role, along with others listed, is dependent on
departmental interest and uptake.