84 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Instruction sessions, physical and virtual reference questions and consultations
Instruction, consultations
Instruction, consultations, reference questions, mediated searches
Instruction, consultations, some collection development (materials endowment spending)
Instruction, reference transactions, consultations
Instruction, reference, consultations
Instruction, reference
Instruction, consultations, outreach, reference
Instruction, consultation
Instructional activities, consultations, collections spending
Liaisons record their interactions in our RefAnalytics database and apply the READ scale. This gives us a sense of the
level of complexity of the questions.
Liaisons track instruction sessions, consultations, major projects, grant funding received, user comments, publications
and presentations, inquiries and proactive activities, and sometimes other data that their constituent group’s
administration may be interested in.
Library instructions statistics, including number of participants and time spent reference transactions, including
number and type of transaction, as well as time spent office consultations, including number and time spent faculty
support statistics.
Number of instruction sessions, number of students reached, reference consultations
Number of interactions, with whom, and using what communication process (in person, email, phone, etc.)
Number of one-shot classes taught and tours given
Number of research consultations and instruction sessions
Number of research consultations, number of research sessions taught, and number of reference transactions. We
would like to measure impacts of liaison work and are now just beginning to determine those metrics.
Number of sessions conducted, and head count for students seen tracking of one-on-one reference and advice contacts
Number of sessions, participants
On-going conversation about what to collect
Quantitative statistics such as the number of consultations, instructional sessions, reference questions, and student
feedback from instruction sessions
Reference and instruction
Reference consultations, classes taught, tours offered
Reference, instruction, consultation statistics (both quantitative and qualitative), events hosted/consulted on in library’s
visualization and technology spaces
Reference questions, consults, instruction
Instruction sessions, physical and virtual reference questions and consultations
Instruction, consultations
Instruction, consultations, reference questions, mediated searches
Instruction, consultations, some collection development (materials endowment spending)
Instruction, reference transactions, consultations
Instruction, reference, consultations
Instruction, reference
Instruction, consultations, outreach, reference
Instruction, consultation
Instructional activities, consultations, collections spending
Liaisons record their interactions in our RefAnalytics database and apply the READ scale. This gives us a sense of the
level of complexity of the questions.
Liaisons track instruction sessions, consultations, major projects, grant funding received, user comments, publications
and presentations, inquiries and proactive activities, and sometimes other data that their constituent group’s
administration may be interested in.
Library instructions statistics, including number of participants and time spent reference transactions, including
number and type of transaction, as well as time spent office consultations, including number and time spent faculty
support statistics.
Number of instruction sessions, number of students reached, reference consultations
Number of interactions, with whom, and using what communication process (in person, email, phone, etc.)
Number of one-shot classes taught and tours given
Number of research consultations and instruction sessions
Number of research consultations, number of research sessions taught, and number of reference transactions. We
would like to measure impacts of liaison work and are now just beginning to determine those metrics.
Number of sessions conducted, and head count for students seen tracking of one-on-one reference and advice contacts
Number of sessions, participants
On-going conversation about what to collect
Quantitative statistics such as the number of consultations, instructional sessions, reference questions, and student
feedback from instruction sessions
Reference and instruction
Reference consultations, classes taught, tours offered
Reference, instruction, consultation statistics (both quantitative and qualitative), events hosted/consulted on in library’s
visualization and technology spaces
Reference questions, consults, instruction