SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 49
Anyone else involved in department.
Community members whose interests fall into one of the subject specialties. At HSL, anyone affiliated with a school or
program area is eligible for liaison services, including community groups engaged with them. Depending on the level of
involvement of the liaison, a fee for service or grant funding might be proposed.
Fellows, visiting professors, etc.
Members of the public, too, as part of our land-grant mission.
Officially, our liaison program is a faculty liaison program. However, many liaison librarians voluntarily offer services to
graduate students as time permits.
Professional students (medical, dental, vet med, nursing, public health and health professions, pharmacy) post-doctoral
associates clinical residents clinicians
Research staff and the public (we are a land grant), non-administrative staff, anyone
Researchers, other affiliates, and potential students
University administrators/officers, visiting scholars, researchers, post doctorates, and those working as part of a grant-
sponsored organization.
University staff. Liaisons also assist community members with research and provide library instruction to visiting external
groups such as area high school students.
Visiting researchers and scholars
Visiting scholars, researchers, etc.
18. Does the library assign a liaison to administrative support departments, such as an Office of
Undergraduate Research or Student Affairs? N=65
Yes, to all departments 1 2%
Yes, to some departments 38 59%
No, only to academic/research departments 26 40%
If you responded “yes to some,” please list the departments that are assigned a library liaison. N=36
Academic computing offices in the schools, Office of the Dean in each of the schools
Ag Extension
Athletics, Career Center, International House, Writing Studio
Athletics, Division of Research, Writing Center, Learning Support Services, Student Affairs, Faculty Development &
Instructional Services, Graduate School
Career Center, Center for Teaching Development, Teaching and Learning Commons, Technology Transfer, Undergraduate
and Graduate Student Affairs, Research Affairs, Diversity, International Center, and more. Current relationships have
developed over time based on individual liaison decisions. This is another area where assessment is needed.
Anyone else involved in department.
Community members whose interests fall into one of the subject specialties. At HSL, anyone affiliated with a school or
program area is eligible for liaison services, including community groups engaged with them. Depending on the level of
involvement of the liaison, a fee for service or grant funding might be proposed.
Fellows, visiting professors, etc.
Members of the public, too, as part of our land-grant mission.
Officially, our liaison program is a faculty liaison program. However, many liaison librarians voluntarily offer services to
graduate students as time permits.
Professional students (medical, dental, vet med, nursing, public health and health professions, pharmacy) post-doctoral
associates clinical residents clinicians
Research staff and the public (we are a land grant), non-administrative staff, anyone
Researchers, other affiliates, and potential students
University administrators/officers, visiting scholars, researchers, post doctorates, and those working as part of a grant-
sponsored organization.
University staff. Liaisons also assist community members with research and provide library instruction to visiting external
groups such as area high school students.
Visiting researchers and scholars
Visiting scholars, researchers, etc.
18. Does the library assign a liaison to administrative support departments, such as an Office of
Undergraduate Research or Student Affairs? N=65
Yes, to all departments 1 2%
Yes, to some departments 38 59%
No, only to academic/research departments 26 40%
If you responded “yes to some,” please list the departments that are assigned a library liaison. N=36
Academic computing offices in the schools, Office of the Dean in each of the schools
Ag Extension
Athletics, Career Center, International House, Writing Studio
Athletics, Division of Research, Writing Center, Learning Support Services, Student Affairs, Faculty Development &
Instructional Services, Graduate School
Career Center, Center for Teaching Development, Teaching and Learning Commons, Technology Transfer, Undergraduate
and Graduate Student Affairs, Research Affairs, Diversity, International Center, and more. Current relationships have
developed over time based on individual liaison decisions. This is another area where assessment is needed.