SPEC Kit 349: Evolution of Library Liaisons · 35
resources of their manager, the liaison librarians group, and the User Services Department management team. Health
sciences liaison services are highly customized to the particular user group environment and wants, and the expertise
the liaison brings or develops.
No written policies
Policies for liaison activities are established by the Head of Reference in conjunction with the Associate Dean of
Information Services.
Senior leadership, that is the Associate Directors and the Director, as well as department heads.
Supervisory staff
The director or department head
We have guidelines and as professionals, the liaisons determine what services they need to provide to their departments
or colleges.
We have no formal policies.
We just have job descriptions—AD/Supervisors are responsible.
9. Do liaisons have written goals and objectives (either personal or institutional) to guide their liaison
activities? N=65
Yes 42 65%
This is optional: some liaisons do, some don’t 15 23%
Not yet, but we are planning to develop goals in the next 1–3 years 8 12%
No, and there is no plan to develop goals 0 0%
10. Please indicate which library staff categories have been assigned liaison responsibilities. Please
make one selection in each row. N=67
Staff Category All Some None N
Librarians 13 54 0 67
Other professionals 0 23 34 57
Support staff 0 12 43 55
Other staff category 0 7 40 47
Total Responses 13 56 45 67
If only some librarians are assigned liaison responsibility, please explain how they are selected.
Based on position description and determined during the hiring process. Occasionally, liaison responsibilities are added
based on expertise.
Based on position responsibilities, educational background, experience, expertise, and interest.
resources of their manager, the liaison librarians group, and the User Services Department management team. Health
sciences liaison services are highly customized to the particular user group environment and wants, and the expertise
the liaison brings or develops.
No written policies
Policies for liaison activities are established by the Head of Reference in conjunction with the Associate Dean of
Information Services.
Senior leadership, that is the Associate Directors and the Director, as well as department heads.
Supervisory staff
The director or department head
We have guidelines and as professionals, the liaisons determine what services they need to provide to their departments
or colleges.
We have no formal policies.
We just have job descriptions—AD/Supervisors are responsible.
9. Do liaisons have written goals and objectives (either personal or institutional) to guide their liaison
activities? N=65
Yes 42 65%
This is optional: some liaisons do, some don’t 15 23%
Not yet, but we are planning to develop goals in the next 1–3 years 8 12%
No, and there is no plan to develop goals 0 0%
10. Please indicate which library staff categories have been assigned liaison responsibilities. Please
make one selection in each row. N=67
Staff Category All Some None N
Librarians 13 54 0 67
Other professionals 0 23 34 57
Support staff 0 12 43 55
Other staff category 0 7 40 47
Total Responses 13 56 45 67
If only some librarians are assigned liaison responsibility, please explain how they are selected.
Based on position description and determined during the hiring process. Occasionally, liaison responsibilities are added
based on expertise.
Based on position responsibilities, educational background, experience, expertise, and interest.