60 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
43. Please indicate how the library tracks the impact from outreach and engagement activities for this
community-based collection and for general library collections. Check all that apply. N=32
Tracking Method Community-based
General library
Number of reference questions 22 29 29
Head count at events 17 24 25
Qualitative feedback received by the library 14 23 23
Hit count based on special URLs for tracking sources 12 19 19
Social media sharing 12 16 18
Search queries 7 12 12
Hit count in specific date ranges 4 8 8
Other tracking method 4 2 4
Total respondents 28 31 32
If you selected “Other tracking method/Community-based collection” above, please briefly
describe the tracking method. N=3
Number of donated items, appraised value, linear metres of materials
Quantitative tracking of inquiries and community surveys comment cards at events
Statistics on use of collections in our reading room
If you selected “Other tracking method/General library collections” above, please briefly describe
the tracking method. N=2
Comment cards at events
Statistics on use of collections in our reading room
44. For each method used to assess this collection, please indicate how frequently it has been done.
Assessment Methods Annually Biennially Occasionally Once N
Statistics gathering 14 1 3 2 20
Internal surveys (library staff only) 1 2 5 7 15
In-person interviews/focus groups of
community users
1 0 5 4 10
Comment solicitation 0 1 6 2 9
External surveys (collection users) 0 0 4 1 5
Other assessment method 0 0 0 0 0
Total Respondents 15 3 12 10 29
43. Please indicate how the library tracks the impact from outreach and engagement activities for this
community-based collection and for general library collections. Check all that apply. N=32
Tracking Method Community-based
General library
Number of reference questions 22 29 29
Head count at events 17 24 25
Qualitative feedback received by the library 14 23 23
Hit count based on special URLs for tracking sources 12 19 19
Social media sharing 12 16 18
Search queries 7 12 12
Hit count in specific date ranges 4 8 8
Other tracking method 4 2 4
Total respondents 28 31 32
If you selected “Other tracking method/Community-based collection” above, please briefly
describe the tracking method. N=3
Number of donated items, appraised value, linear metres of materials
Quantitative tracking of inquiries and community surveys comment cards at events
Statistics on use of collections in our reading room
If you selected “Other tracking method/General library collections” above, please briefly describe
the tracking method. N=2
Comment cards at events
Statistics on use of collections in our reading room
44. For each method used to assess this collection, please indicate how frequently it has been done.
Assessment Methods Annually Biennially Occasionally Once N
Statistics gathering 14 1 3 2 20
Internal surveys (library staff only) 1 2 5 7 15
In-person interviews/focus groups of
community users
1 0 5 4 10
Comment solicitation 0 1 6 2 9
External surveys (collection users) 0 0 4 1 5
Other assessment method 0 0 0 0 0
Total Respondents 15 3 12 10 29