48 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Please briefly describe the other type of recognition. N=9
A list of financial and in-kind donors is provided on the Archives website, as well as in the Libraries annual publication.
Acknowledgment on relevant web pages, brochures, or collection news bulletins
Donors determine whether or not they want their names published. This is also dependent on the amount donated.
Donor recognition takes place at a level above the Special Collections &Archives department. (2 responses)
In library newsletters and sometimes listed on the products produced.
Listing in annual event program
Sponsors have been recognized in print exhibition catalogues and banners promoting the collection and related exhibits
and events.
Thank you letter given by governing university faculty body to donors. Library does not receive or
recognize contributions.
Through the newsletter or the recently developed website.
Additional Comments N=3
As noted, there is no direct relationship in terms of governance between the AMS governing body and the Libraries.
Donations to the collection go to the community organization (BJE).
We did not receive any monetary donations for this collection but we hope we will and use the actual university
donation program.
31. What formal or informal structures are in place to support community stewardship? Check all that
apply. N=28
An annual or biannual meeting or gathering of the community 5 18%
An advisory council with community and library members 4 14%
An advisory council made up of community members 2 7%
A private foundation 1 4%
Other structure 18 64%
Please briefly describe the other structure. N=18
Archival staff interact with executive staff of the community organization.
As noted, there is no direct relationship in terms of governance between the AMS governing body and the Libraries.
Donor outreach. Colorado State University’s International Center for German-Russian Studies.
Informal meetings with representatives of collections as desired by either party.
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