104 · Representative Documents: Collection Descriptions and Policies
Documenting Ferguson. Project Explanation and Purpose
regards to when press releases were published and more attention was brought to the project. Already within
the past month, pages within the Ferguson collection in Omeka are displaying as the top four page hits within
Google Analytics. The Ferguson project at digital.wustl.edu/ferguson has also received the highest page hits of
all collections on the digital web server within the past month. Additionally, more qualitatively, it is evident that
the project is getting wide exposure, with contributed content increasing steadily.
Process/user contribution
Initial contributors were asked their opinions on the process of submitting content. Their suggestions were
implemented, with DLS accepting large quantities of contributed content via dropbox.com. While no further
feedback on the contribution process has been received, the project team can survey random contributors to
review their experience contributing to the project and how the process could be improved. While we hope that
contributions to this collection will be ongoing for some time, the project team can perform periodic assessment
of the success of work as a group on a shared project and how to improve such group work in the future. It is
also expected that this collection will serve as a model for other community generated collections, so the
workflow of receiving contributed content, making it available, and archiving digital content will be assessed (by
Digital Library Services) for its efficiency and possible need for improvement. Similarly, the methods used to
publicize this collection can be used as a model for projects in the future. A field has been added to the
contribution form to capture data on how contributors heard about the project to determine the most
successful PR methods. Once the content starts to grow we will revisit the open contribution policy to assess
feasibility and relevance.
Written by Documenting Ferguson Committee September 2014:
LaTanya Buck (consultant), Director of Center for Diversity &Inclusion
Rudolph Clay, Head of Library Diversity Initiatives and Outreach Services and African &
African American
Studies Librarian
Shannon Davis, Digital Projects Librarian
Meredith Evans, Associate University Librarian (joined committee in Nov. 2014)
Makiba J. Foster, Subject Librarian for American History, American Culture Studies, and
Women, Gender, &Sexuality Studies
Chris Freeland, Associate University Librarian
Nadia Ghasedi, Head of the Visual Media Research Lab
Jennifer Kirmer, Digital Archivist
Sonya Rooney, University Archivist
Andrew Rouner, Director of Scholarly Publishing
Rebecca Wanzo (faculty advisor), Associate Director for The Center of the Humanities
Micah Zeller, Copyright Librarian
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