SPEC Kit 347: Community-based Collections · 43
Things I do that are of different demand would include the programming and presentations on records management at
the church level, district level, and conference level. I also travel to pick up records at local churches in all five states that
I cover.
Yes, and no. It depends on the community but they generally consider the Archives as their own which implies that you
have to be more present, more active, and their expectations could be very high.
23. Does the library have an individual, specific strategic plan or collection development policy for this
collection? N=35
Yes, a strategic plan 2 6%
Yes, a collection development policy 9 26%
No, part of library-wide strategic plan 5 14%
No, part of a library-wide collection development policy 15 43%
No, but these documents are forthcoming 4 11%
Comments N=11
Answered Yes N=5
Collection falls within the collection development policy for Special Collections and University Archives.
The collection development policy for this collection is also incorporated into the department’s planning documents.
There is a MOU between the Archives and the BJE.
This collection is largely complete, but may continue to grow. We’ll be delighted to add to it.
This community collection is just one of many community collections the library actively collects. So, while we don’t have
a collection development policy specifically for the collection being described in this survey we do have a more general
collection development policy for documenting community organization material.
Answered No N=6
No, it’s part of a “departmental” collection policy.
The Bruce Peel Special Collections Library Collection Policy adheres to the guiding principles of the University of Alberta
Libraries’ Collection Development Policy and is deliberately quite broad and open to allow for new opportunities and
areas for collecting.
The collection falls within the library’s systematic efforts to build and sustain creative and relevant collections of unique
and rare historical materials and to broaden the library’s collecting mission to reflect the contributions of communities
previously largely ignored in the historical record. The collection has a public “Mission Statement” which directs
its activities.
The collection is governed by the Memorandum of Agreement that transfers ownership to the University Library.
There are many unofficial, collection specific guiding principles developed over time.
There is renewed interest in these materials by the ASA so I suspect we can work on policy.
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