SPEC Kit 347: Community-based Collections · 49
It doesn’t apply. We have informal relationship with different members (individual and organizational) of the
feminist community.
It’s non-formal group of me, community volunteers, and any interested student and/or community member.
Library staff work with the PCUN leadership to discuss care and promotion of the collection.
Meetings with university faculty stakeholders
Occasional contacts between archivist and donors
One-to-one relationship building is key informal structure for ongoing community stewardship. Library staff work with
an ambassador within the community.
The assistant curator maintains communications with LULAC Council 10 and frequently participates in its events—
particularly with regard to publicizing its history.
The board consists of library professionals and members of the community.
The McGill University Libraries and Archives, through the Dean of Trenholme Libraries, supports community and library
stewardship in a variety of ways. There is no one specific structure related to this collection.
There are no formal structures.
There are none, other than a newsletter published monthly on the project at large, of which this collection is a
small part.
This is something that we will work out in the coming years, now that the ASA secretariat has an increased interest.
We occasionally hold informal meetings with representatives of collections as desired by either party.
32. Using a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being less frequent and 5 being most frequent, please indicate
how frequently each means of communication between the library and community-appointed
representatives is used. N=31
Means of Communication 1
Less frequent
2 3 4 5
Most frequent
Email 3 2 6 6 14 31
In-person one-on-one meetings 8 4 7 1 8 28
Phone conferences 11 2 10 2 1 26
In-person group meetings 8 4 3 5 5 25
Participation at community reunions or other gatherings 11 5 5 0 1 22
Virtual meetings (i.e., Skype) 16 2 1 0 0 19
Other communication method 5 1 0 1 0 7
Total Respondents 24 11 20 12 19 31
It doesn’t apply. We have informal relationship with different members (individual and organizational) of the
feminist community.
It’s non-formal group of me, community volunteers, and any interested student and/or community member.
Library staff work with the PCUN leadership to discuss care and promotion of the collection.
Meetings with university faculty stakeholders
Occasional contacts between archivist and donors
One-to-one relationship building is key informal structure for ongoing community stewardship. Library staff work with
an ambassador within the community.
The assistant curator maintains communications with LULAC Council 10 and frequently participates in its events—
particularly with regard to publicizing its history.
The board consists of library professionals and members of the community.
The McGill University Libraries and Archives, through the Dean of Trenholme Libraries, supports community and library
stewardship in a variety of ways. There is no one specific structure related to this collection.
There are no formal structures.
There are none, other than a newsletter published monthly on the project at large, of which this collection is a
small part.
This is something that we will work out in the coming years, now that the ASA secretariat has an increased interest.
We occasionally hold informal meetings with representatives of collections as desired by either party.
32. Using a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being less frequent and 5 being most frequent, please indicate
how frequently each means of communication between the library and community-appointed
representatives is used. N=31
Means of Communication 1
Less frequent
2 3 4 5
Most frequent
Email 3 2 6 6 14 31
In-person one-on-one meetings 8 4 7 1 8 28
Phone conferences 11 2 10 2 1 26
In-person group meetings 8 4 3 5 5 25
Participation at community reunions or other gatherings 11 5 5 0 1 22
Virtual meetings (i.e., Skype) 16 2 1 0 0 19
Other communication method 5 1 0 1 0 7
Total Respondents 24 11 20 12 19 31