58 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
41. Please indicate which of the following activities the library engages in for this community-based
collection and for library collections in general. Check all that apply. N=32
Activities Community-based
General library
Promote finding aids 23 30 30
Contact faculty/researcher directly 25 28 30
Promote newly digitized content 17 28 28
Feature collection items in exhibitions 23 28 28
Social media presence 19 26 27
Use library website to post announcements on updates 19 25 25
Provide informational workshops 15 21 22
Provide ongoing communication with registered users 10 13 15
Publish research on the collection 11 13 14
Other activity 7 5 8
Total Respondents 30 31 32
If you selected “Other activity/Community-based collection” above, please briefly describe the
activity. N=7
Also have dedicated group study room off of our reference area that highlights the collection.
Coordinated opera event related to collection.
Instruction in Special Collections and University Archives’ classroom to faculty and their students for this community-
based collection and other collections.
Orientation for classes (2 responses)
Present case studies and share expertise among other information professionals.
Respond to community interest to highlight their history by developing a website to further disseminate information
about Iowa Latino history through a digital humanities project sponsored by the University of Iowa Libraries.
If you selected “Other activity/General library collections” above, please briefly describe the
activity. N=5
Active social media presence, programmatic outreach to campus and external media, partnership programs for events
and other media activities.
Instruction in Special Collections and University Archives’ classroom to faculty and their students for this community-
based collection and other collections.
Orientation for classes (2 responses)
Present case studies and share expertise among other information professionals.
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