76 · Representative Documents: Websites Showcasing Faculty Research
Visible Scholarship Initiative
Visible Scholarship Initiative |University Libraries |Virginia Tech
http://www.lib.vt.edu/events/vsi/[9/17/14 12:36:21 PM]
Exemplary ambivalence in late nineteenth-
century Spanish America addresses the curiously
“bad” examples written into Spanish American
creole narratives from the end of the 19th
century. Such narratives, authored by the post-
independence creole elite, seek to shape their
readers by prescribing socio-political ideals for
the Spanish American republics. This study
interrogates the ideological fissures within
postcolonial social and racial mythologies,
reading exemplarity as an unintentional narrative
of creole writing subjects’ social fears.
Max O. Stephenson and Laura Zanotti: Building walls and dissolving borders
Walls play multiple social, political, economic and
cultural roles and are linked to the fundamental
question of how human beings live together.
Globalization and urbanization have created high
population density, rapid migration, growing
poverty, income inequality and frequent
discontent and conflict among heterogeneous
populations. The writers in this volume explore
how walls are changing in this era, when social
“containers” have become porous, proximity has
been redefined, circulation has intensified and
the state as a way of organizing political life is
being questioned. The authors analyze how walls
articulate with other social boundaries to address
feelings of vulnerability and anxiety and how they
embody governmental processes, public and
social contestation, fears and notions of identity and alterity.
Matthew Heaton: Black skin, white coats
Black Skin, White Coats is a history of psychiatry
in Nigeria from the 1950s to the 1980s. Working
in the contexts of decolonization and anticolonial
nationalism, Nigerian psychiatrists sought to
replace racist colonial psychiatric theories about
the psychological inferiority of Africans with a
universal and egalitarian model focusing on
broad psychological similarities across cultural
and racial boundaries.
Corinne Noirot: Entre Deux Airs
Rhétorique et poétique entretiennent à la
Renaissance un dialogue fructueux et tendu,
qu’éclaire dans cet essai l’examen comparatif et
rarement pratiqué de deux poètes
traditionnellement opposés. Clément Marot et
Joachim Du Bellay font ici l’objet d’un parallèle
qui ne raisonne pas en termes d’influence du
premier sur le second, les deux projets
poétiques restant très contrastés. De part et
d’autre du prétendu fossé de 1550, Marot et Du
Bellay choisirent chacun à leur manière de
ressusciter et de reconvertir le style simple (ou
bas) de la tradition rhétorique, le genus humile
ou subtile. Comment, pourquoi oser ainsi
revendiquer le moins lyrique et le plus prosaïque
des genres de discours ?Si humanisme,
évangélisme et gallicanisme sous-tendent en
Visible Scholarship Initiative
Visible Scholarship Initiative |University Libraries |Virginia Tech
http://www.lib.vt.edu/events/vsi/[9/17/14 12:36:21 PM]
Exemplary ambivalence in late nineteenth-
century Spanish America addresses the curiously
“bad” examples written into Spanish American
creole narratives from the end of the 19th
century. Such narratives, authored by the post-
independence creole elite, seek to shape their
readers by prescribing socio-political ideals for
the Spanish American republics. This study
interrogates the ideological fissures within
postcolonial social and racial mythologies,
reading exemplarity as an unintentional narrative
of creole writing subjects’ social fears.
Max O. Stephenson and Laura Zanotti: Building walls and dissolving borders
Walls play multiple social, political, economic and
cultural roles and are linked to the fundamental
question of how human beings live together.
Globalization and urbanization have created high
population density, rapid migration, growing
poverty, income inequality and frequent
discontent and conflict among heterogeneous
populations. The writers in this volume explore
how walls are changing in this era, when social
“containers” have become porous, proximity has
been redefined, circulation has intensified and
the state as a way of organizing political life is
being questioned. The authors analyze how walls
articulate with other social boundaries to address
feelings of vulnerability and anxiety and how they
embody governmental processes, public and
social contestation, fears and notions of identity and alterity.
Matthew Heaton: Black skin, white coats
Black Skin, White Coats is a history of psychiatry
in Nigeria from the 1950s to the 1980s. Working
in the contexts of decolonization and anticolonial
nationalism, Nigerian psychiatrists sought to
replace racist colonial psychiatric theories about
the psychological inferiority of Africans with a
universal and egalitarian model focusing on
broad psychological similarities across cultural
and racial boundaries.
Corinne Noirot: Entre Deux Airs
Rhétorique et poétique entretiennent à la
Renaissance un dialogue fructueux et tendu,
qu’éclaire dans cet essai l’examen comparatif et
rarement pratiqué de deux poètes
traditionnellement opposés. Clément Marot et
Joachim Du Bellay font ici l’objet d’un parallèle
qui ne raisonne pas en termes d’influence du
premier sur le second, les deux projets
poétiques restant très contrastés. De part et
d’autre du prétendu fossé de 1550, Marot et Du
Bellay choisirent chacun à leur manière de
ressusciter et de reconvertir le style simple (ou
bas) de la tradition rhétorique, le genus humile
ou subtile. Comment, pourquoi oser ainsi
revendiquer le moins lyrique et le plus prosaïque
des genres de discours ?Si humanisme,
évangélisme et gallicanisme sous-tendent en