148 · Representative Documents: Open Access Policies
Open Access Policy
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LLiibbrraarriieess SSttaaffff LLooggiinn CCoommmmeennttss??
professional goals.
Resolution Implementation
Implementation of this resolution is dependent on the foundation
and development of infrastructure, including a university library-
supported institutional repository and Scholarly Communications
staff who will coordinate and facilitate the digital collection process
for faculty. The Faculty Senate calls upon the Faculty Senate
Library Committee and the Florida State University Libraries to
explore and address the implementation of this resolution,
including the needs to:
protect authors’ intellectual property
maintain Florida State University standards for
Promotion and Tenure
promote quality and prestige in scholarly publishing
develop policies and procedures for the governance
of this resolution
explore scholarship publishing in emerging platforms
and digital contexts
The Faculty Senate, Vice President for Faculty Development and
Advancement and the Dean of the University Libraries will be
responsible for interpreting this resolution. The resolution and its
implementation will be reviewed yearly in conjunction with the
Faculty Senate Library Committee with a report presented to the
Faculty Senate.
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