SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing · 21
Identify articles for literature reviews: reference &instruction staff serving at Information Desk or teaching information
literacy sessions
Literature search training: support staff in public services
Manage scholarly identity: Strategic Initiatives Manager
Most librarians here are transitioning away from liaison and subject responsibilities toward user-based services, and so
are both Liaison librarians and Other staff. The ORCID implementation is being coordinated by a university committee
being sponsored by the Libraries. Members of the committee are non-library faculty and librarians with expertise in IT,
scholarly communication, and research support.
Provide traditional search or bibliographic services: reference technicians
Public service staff performs reference services, including non-librarian staff.
Reference and research assistants in some libraries identify articles for literature reviews, provide search and
bibliographic services, and train faculty.
Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office
Scholars Commons staff may sometimes assist faculty/researchers with traditional search services.
Search and Bib Services: Circulation Staff
Search and training: IR Librarian, special collections curator/staff.
Search services: reference librarians
Search, training, literature reviews: graduate students at reference desks
Several research services listed are also provided by the library’s Graduate Research Assistants who are trained to offer
this assistance.
The Biomedical Library in particular has an extensive training program, completed by all members of the staff,
professional and paraprofessional, equipping them to provide services listed above. Additionally, clinical librarians and
individuals with PhDs go far beyond these types of support to provide filtered, relevant information packets on clinical
questions, and they actively participate in conducting systematic reviews throughout the medical center.
Traditional search: research desk or virtual reference handled by librarians and desk staff. ORCID, VIVO: Office of Faculty
Affairs is taking the lead on these two initiatives.
Training: Education and Outreach staff.
Write literature reviews: Veterinary Medicine Library Director
If you selected “Other service” above, please specify the service and the corresponding staff
category. N=21
Assist faculty and their staff on uploading recent and past research publications to the institutional repository by liaison
librarians and the scholarly communications librarian.
Assist in writing data management plans: Data Management Librarian. Provide training for data management: Data
Management Librarian.
Identify articles for literature reviews: reference &instruction staff serving at Information Desk or teaching information
literacy sessions
Literature search training: support staff in public services
Manage scholarly identity: Strategic Initiatives Manager
Most librarians here are transitioning away from liaison and subject responsibilities toward user-based services, and so
are both Liaison librarians and Other staff. The ORCID implementation is being coordinated by a university committee
being sponsored by the Libraries. Members of the committee are non-library faculty and librarians with expertise in IT,
scholarly communication, and research support.
Provide traditional search or bibliographic services: reference technicians
Public service staff performs reference services, including non-librarian staff.
Reference and research assistants in some libraries identify articles for literature reviews, provide search and
bibliographic services, and train faculty.
Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office
Scholars Commons staff may sometimes assist faculty/researchers with traditional search services.
Search and Bib Services: Circulation Staff
Search and training: IR Librarian, special collections curator/staff.
Search services: reference librarians
Search, training, literature reviews: graduate students at reference desks
Several research services listed are also provided by the library’s Graduate Research Assistants who are trained to offer
this assistance.
The Biomedical Library in particular has an extensive training program, completed by all members of the staff,
professional and paraprofessional, equipping them to provide services listed above. Additionally, clinical librarians and
individuals with PhDs go far beyond these types of support to provide filtered, relevant information packets on clinical
questions, and they actively participate in conducting systematic reviews throughout the medical center.
Traditional search: research desk or virtual reference handled by librarians and desk staff. ORCID, VIVO: Office of Faculty
Affairs is taking the lead on these two initiatives.
Training: Education and Outreach staff.
Write literature reviews: Veterinary Medicine Library Director
If you selected “Other service” above, please specify the service and the corresponding staff
category. N=21
Assist faculty and their staff on uploading recent and past research publications to the institutional repository by liaison
librarians and the scholarly communications librarian.
Assist in writing data management plans: Data Management Librarian. Provide training for data management: Data
Management Librarian.