30 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We do not have a “scholarly communications librarian.” This function has in the past been in the associate university
librarian’s portfolio, but a new position for a scholarly communication officer is being created so it might be this new
position that offers these support services.
5. If library staff help faculty/researchers navigate the manuscript submission process, please briefly
describe how this assistance is provided and by whom. N=15
Assist primarily with funder compliance and understanding terms of copyright transfer agreements.
For journals published through the libraries, library staff provide on-call support over email for article submission,
occasional phone support, submission by proxy as necessary. Additional assistance provided in the form of development
of training resources.
Help to obtain rights to images used in manuscripts.
I think by helping find places to publish and explaining rights and funding possibilities for OA, basically by doing the
other things listed here.
It’s not so much the whole submission process, but specifically the kinds of questions we get are about the author rights
agreements that authors are asked to sign when submitting articles. Liaisons often field the questions, and if needed
forward them to the scholarly communication/repository librarian. Sometimes the questions come straight from the
author to the Scholarly Communication and Digital Curation department.
Liaison and subject specialist librarians review documentation on journal sites, interpret policies and procedures, and
advise faculty/researchers in submission.
Medical librarians assist with NIH submission subject specialists and scholarly communications librarians assist
upon request.
Medical library staff assist researchers with the requirements of the NIH open access policy, which requires submission
into PubMedCentral.
Occasionally some liaison librarians and/or data management librarians have helped identify journals, submission
guidelines, and/or policies in a subject area for possible article submission.
The scholarly communications librarian provides SPARC riders for faculty to use in negotiating publishing contracts.
The university implemented an open access policy that extends copyright permissions to the IR (eScholarship) for current
research publications. The Scholarly Communications Librarian counsels faculty on language and documentation for
waiver, embargo, and addendum changes to copyright release during the submission process. The IR can also provide
OA support of supplementary data and rich-data formats (e.g., video, sound, images) related to the publication in a
preservation-quality repository.
This is provided on request when a faculty member contacts either a subject liaison or the Repository Collection
Manager through one of the many buttons that connect them to an email for answering questions about the repository
and the publication process.
Veterinary Medicine Librarians assist in proper ways to acknowledge NIH and other funders in the manuscript process,
output or reformat reference lists of manuscripts in formats that will be accepted by manuscript submission software,
identify keywords for manuscripts, help identify potential peer reviewers.
Via university press: locating rights holders, providing pub-quality images for publication (Special Collections)
We do not have a “scholarly communications librarian.” This function has in the past been in the associate university
librarian’s portfolio, but a new position for a scholarly communication officer is being created so it might be this new
position that offers these support services.
5. If library staff help faculty/researchers navigate the manuscript submission process, please briefly
describe how this assistance is provided and by whom. N=15
Assist primarily with funder compliance and understanding terms of copyright transfer agreements.
For journals published through the libraries, library staff provide on-call support over email for article submission,
occasional phone support, submission by proxy as necessary. Additional assistance provided in the form of development
of training resources.
Help to obtain rights to images used in manuscripts.
I think by helping find places to publish and explaining rights and funding possibilities for OA, basically by doing the
other things listed here.
It’s not so much the whole submission process, but specifically the kinds of questions we get are about the author rights
agreements that authors are asked to sign when submitting articles. Liaisons often field the questions, and if needed
forward them to the scholarly communication/repository librarian. Sometimes the questions come straight from the
author to the Scholarly Communication and Digital Curation department.
Liaison and subject specialist librarians review documentation on journal sites, interpret policies and procedures, and
advise faculty/researchers in submission.
Medical librarians assist with NIH submission subject specialists and scholarly communications librarians assist
upon request.
Medical library staff assist researchers with the requirements of the NIH open access policy, which requires submission
into PubMedCentral.
Occasionally some liaison librarians and/or data management librarians have helped identify journals, submission
guidelines, and/or policies in a subject area for possible article submission.
The scholarly communications librarian provides SPARC riders for faculty to use in negotiating publishing contracts.
The university implemented an open access policy that extends copyright permissions to the IR (eScholarship) for current
research publications. The Scholarly Communications Librarian counsels faculty on language and documentation for
waiver, embargo, and addendum changes to copyright release during the submission process. The IR can also provide
OA support of supplementary data and rich-data formats (e.g., video, sound, images) related to the publication in a
preservation-quality repository.
This is provided on request when a faculty member contacts either a subject liaison or the Repository Collection
Manager through one of the many buttons that connect them to an email for answering questions about the repository
and the publication process.
Veterinary Medicine Librarians assist in proper ways to acknowledge NIH and other funders in the manuscript process,
output or reformat reference lists of manuscripts in formats that will be accepted by manuscript submission software,
identify keywords for manuscripts, help identify potential peer reviewers.
Via university press: locating rights holders, providing pub-quality images for publication (Special Collections)