SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing · 41
The university has an internal tracking of authors publishing open access articles using Web of Knowledge, Scopus,
PubMedCentral, and eScholarship. But the tracking does not populate faculty profile pages or publicly accessible
web pages.
Thomson Rueters InCites
We don’t do this systematically we do this upon request of a dean or department chair.
We get some basic publication information via a report generated by Web of Science, but the library does not track to
the level that is possible via VIVO or ORCID, for example.
We track publications and post them to our IR.
Additional Comments N=4
The provost’s office has implemented Symplectic Elements and is considering VIVO. These tools are not hosted or
supported by the Libraries, but we are actively engaged in system configuration, policy decisions, providing faculty
assistance, etc. Some librarians are working with individual faculty or department heads to track publications, but this is
done on an ad hoc basis at present, and uses a variety of identifiers (ORCID, ResearcherID, ScopusID, ISNI, etc.)
VIVO and ORCID are under consideration.
We are working on ORCID. We do work with some publishers to do bulk deposits into IR. We negotiate this when
engaged in acquisitions negotiations with publishers.
We maintained an internal RefWorks database for our faculty publishing event from 2006–2009.
16. Does your library host public presentations by faculty/researchers to discuss their publications?
Yes 30 44%
No, but we plan to 7 10%
No 31 46%
Comments N=17
Answered Yes N=12
Authors@UF program invites university authors to present on their research and related published book.
Book talks, research presentations
Emergent Research conversations allow librarians to learn about new research.
In February each year the library honors employees and students who have authored, co-authored, or edited a book
or published a major creative work such as musical composition, art exhibit catalog, or audio recording in the past two
years. A nice event and reception is held during the university’s Research Week and is publicized through the colleges
and departments, word-of-mouth, and other channels. The event is entirely opt-in authors submit an application to
participate. The library also co-sponsors and hosts Science Café, which features faculty discussing their research (which
usually has been or is in the process of being published) in an informal and engaging program. Science Café is typically
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