SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing · 29
University Counsel, AUL for Public Services (as the designated copyright officer for the library), Head of Access Services
(for course reserves and ILL), Head of Education and Outreach (for training sessions on copyright, fair use, and public
domain topics).
University Counsel’s office: legal expertise on author’s rights
University press, Copyright Advisor: represent author in rights negotiations with publishers
Veterinary Medicine Librarian: publication funding, help navigate submission process, author’s rights consultations
If you selected “Other service” above, please specify the service and the corresponding staff
category. N=10
Advocacy for a more open scholarly and research environment: scholarly communication librarian
AUL for Graduate and Research Services serves as the university’s representative in SHARE.
Data publication: data management librarian
Find images that can be used, or help seek permissions for re-using material from other papers connecting researchers
to needed software (statistical, image manipulation, etc.): Veterinary Medicine Librarian
Identify appropriate repositories advise on documenting data collections for sharing/deposit: data
management librarian
Identifying repositories, self-publication: university press staff regularly offers and participates in workshops and
colloquia on campus to educate faculty—particularly early-career faculty—about the scholarly publishing process.
Further, faculty can contact the press at any time with questions related to proposing book projects/preparing
manuscripts for submission, negotiating rights, choosing the correct publisher, copyright and permissions issues, etc.
Negotiate library licenses to include author rights language to benefit all authors on campus: scholarly
communication librarian
Publishing in open access journals through the institutional repository (eScholarship): IR and scholarly
communication librarians
Publishing of online journals through Open Journal Software system: liaison librarians/subject specialists, scholarly
communication librarian. Hosting institutional repository: data management librarian.
Subject librarians and scholarly communications librarian: Distribute RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) gold vouchers
Additional Comments N=3
Note about providing funding. The IR coordinator administers the voucher program for the Royal Society of Chemistry
Gold for Gold OA publishing voucher program. We do not have an OA publishing fund, but a proposal for one was
submitted to the Dean’s group by the Scholarly Communications librarian and the IR coordinator.
The Director of Graduate and Research Services who also is a liaison librarian provides support for copyright related
issues and questions. A Data Management Librarian has occasionally assisted faculty/researchers in identifying and
evaluating open-access journals and has helped faculty with an addendum to their author copyright.
University Counsel, AUL for Public Services (as the designated copyright officer for the library), Head of Access Services
(for course reserves and ILL), Head of Education and Outreach (for training sessions on copyright, fair use, and public
domain topics).
University Counsel’s office: legal expertise on author’s rights
University press, Copyright Advisor: represent author in rights negotiations with publishers
Veterinary Medicine Librarian: publication funding, help navigate submission process, author’s rights consultations
If you selected “Other service” above, please specify the service and the corresponding staff
category. N=10
Advocacy for a more open scholarly and research environment: scholarly communication librarian
AUL for Graduate and Research Services serves as the university’s representative in SHARE.
Data publication: data management librarian
Find images that can be used, or help seek permissions for re-using material from other papers connecting researchers
to needed software (statistical, image manipulation, etc.): Veterinary Medicine Librarian
Identify appropriate repositories advise on documenting data collections for sharing/deposit: data
management librarian
Identifying repositories, self-publication: university press staff regularly offers and participates in workshops and
colloquia on campus to educate faculty—particularly early-career faculty—about the scholarly publishing process.
Further, faculty can contact the press at any time with questions related to proposing book projects/preparing
manuscripts for submission, negotiating rights, choosing the correct publisher, copyright and permissions issues, etc.
Negotiate library licenses to include author rights language to benefit all authors on campus: scholarly
communication librarian
Publishing in open access journals through the institutional repository (eScholarship): IR and scholarly
communication librarians
Publishing of online journals through Open Journal Software system: liaison librarians/subject specialists, scholarly
communication librarian. Hosting institutional repository: data management librarian.
Subject librarians and scholarly communications librarian: Distribute RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) gold vouchers
Additional Comments N=3
Note about providing funding. The IR coordinator administers the voucher program for the Royal Society of Chemistry
Gold for Gold OA publishing voucher program. We do not have an OA publishing fund, but a proposal for one was
submitted to the Dean’s group by the Scholarly Communications librarian and the IR coordinator.
The Director of Graduate and Research Services who also is a liaison librarian provides support for copyright related
issues and questions. A Data Management Librarian has occasionally assisted faculty/researchers in identifying and
evaluating open-access journals and has helped faculty with an addendum to their author copyright.