SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing · 121
http://uwdcc.library.wisc.edu/minds/faq.shtml[9/17/14 2:16:55 PM]
For books: If the book is out-of-print in the United States, and your
contract with the book publisher contained a clause that reverts the
copyright to you after the book goes out-of-print, then you have sufficient
rights to submit the book to MINDS@UW. Check Bowker’s Books in
Print for your book’s publication status.
For journal articles: Many publishers give blanket permission to post one
or more of the pre-print (pre-peer-review manuscript), post-print (final
manuscript after peer review and editing), or publisher’s typeset PDF to a
repository like MINDS@UW. The first place to look for such permission is
SHERPA/ROMEO, a database of publisher policies. The next place to
look is the publisher’s own website, which often includes its policies or its
standard publication agreements.
You can retain your right to deposit your articles in MINDS@UW no
matter what journals or publishers you prefer by adding an "author
addendum" to your publication agreement. The UW-Madison Faculty
Senate encourages all UW-Madison faculty to use the CIC addendum.
Faculty on other campuses are welcome to use it as well, or to substitute
another of their choice.
4. Does MINDS@UW take over my copyright when I deposit my work?
No. The MINDS@UW license is non-exclusive, meaning that you give
MINDS@UW permission to do what it normally does—preserve and
display content—but you do not give up any rights to do the same things
MINDS@UW does not limit what else you do with your work.
5. What is Creative Commons? How is a Creative Commons license
different from the MINDS@UW license?
Creative Commons licenses allow you to give blanket permission to end-
users for certain uses of your work under certain conditions, without in
any way damaging your rights over the same work. They are excellent for
teachers and scholars, who can allow other teachers and scholars to
reuse their work without the tiresome process of seeking additional
Creative Commons licensing is completely optional simply click the "Skip
Creative Commons" button at that stage to bypass the Creative Commons
licensing process. Without it, your work enjoys the customary protections
of copyright.
The Creative Commons license is not a substitute for the MINDS@UW
license. Creative Commons licenses are an agreement between you (as
the depositor) and those who download your work from MINDS@UW. The
MINDS@UW license is an agreement between you and the University of
Wisconsin it covers actions (such as transformation of your digital files for
preservation purposes) that Creative Commons licenses do not.
Accepting the MINDS@UW license is not optional.
6. Can I deposit institutional records such as meeting minutes into
Institutional records should follow proper records-retention procedures.
Please get in touch with University Archives and Records Management
Services for advice on records management. MINDS@UW has no
provision for using retention schedules or other important records
management policies.
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