34 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Please specify the other publisher. N=17
American Chemical Society, Biochem Journal, British Journal of Cancer, Chemical Central Journal, Proceedings National
Academic Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry
arXiv, BioOne, Knowledge Unlatched, SCOAP3, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Other organizations the library
supports that are in this area include Library Publishing Coalition, Networked Library of Theses and Dissertations,
and SPARC.
Faculty of a 1000
Institutional account with PeerJ support Dryad, SCOAP3 and arXiv
None at this time but we have contacted BioMed Central/Springer about the company’s services.
Nucleic Acids Research and PNAS
PeerJ (2 responses)
PLOS’s institutional membership program was retired in 10/13. We were members prior to that. (2 responses)
Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry gold vouchers
Sage Open
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP)
We are members of Nucleic Acids Research. PLoS no longer offers institutional membership, unless it’s for prepaying
fees. We had a membership but don’t any longer because the program ended.
We have an institutional membership with PeerJ and Cogitatio.
Were with Hindawai but dropped below “taxed” ArXiv Knowledge Unlatched SCOAP3
10. Does your library advocate that faculty/researchers use an author’s addendum as a means of
amending copyright agreements with publishers? N=68
Yes 53 78%
No 15 22%
If yes, what addendum does the library or institution use? Check all that apply. N=52
SPARC 40 77%
Institutionally drafted addendum 15 29%
Science Commons 11 21%
Other addendum 10 19%
Please specify the other addendum. N=10
CIC addendum (4 responses)
Please specify the other publisher. N=17
American Chemical Society, Biochem Journal, British Journal of Cancer, Chemical Central Journal, Proceedings National
Academic Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry
arXiv, BioOne, Knowledge Unlatched, SCOAP3, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Other organizations the library
supports that are in this area include Library Publishing Coalition, Networked Library of Theses and Dissertations,
and SPARC.
Faculty of a 1000
Institutional account with PeerJ support Dryad, SCOAP3 and arXiv
None at this time but we have contacted BioMed Central/Springer about the company’s services.
Nucleic Acids Research and PNAS
PeerJ (2 responses)
PLOS’s institutional membership program was retired in 10/13. We were members prior to that. (2 responses)
Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry gold vouchers
Sage Open
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP)
We are members of Nucleic Acids Research. PLoS no longer offers institutional membership, unless it’s for prepaying
fees. We had a membership but don’t any longer because the program ended.
We have an institutional membership with PeerJ and Cogitatio.
Were with Hindawai but dropped below “taxed” ArXiv Knowledge Unlatched SCOAP3
10. Does your library advocate that faculty/researchers use an author’s addendum as a means of
amending copyright agreements with publishers? N=68
Yes 53 78%
No 15 22%
If yes, what addendum does the library or institution use? Check all that apply. N=52
SPARC 40 77%
Institutionally drafted addendum 15 29%
Science Commons 11 21%
Other addendum 10 19%
Please specify the other addendum. N=10
CIC addendum (4 responses)