44 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
repository. Also, Journals@KU (journals.ku.edu) showcases journals published with the support of the Libraries’ Digital
Publishing Services staff and infrastructure (DSpace and OJS).
18. Do other departments or offices at your institution provide support for faculty/researcher
publishing? N=66
Yes 45 68%
No 21 32%
If yes, please list the departments or offices that provide this support. N=43
Center for Teaching Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences, Provost’s Office, probably others
Division of Research and Sponsored Programs
Division of Sponsored Programs. Office of the Provost is working on a current research information service and the
Libraries have been talking with them about the gathering of the citation data, publicly posting author profiles (from the
provost’s system), and collaborating to post allowable content in the repository.
Division of Sponsored Research works with those with external grants and this office does provide some support
for publishing.
Graduate School
Health sciences has a publishing consultant. Provost’s office provides some support but we are not sure what.
Home departments and/or centers, University Bookstore (showcases faculty books)
Human Resources
Humanities Center, Office of Research, Office of Sponsored Programs, University Press
Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Writing Center, Legal Council, Office of Institutional Research, Office of
Undergraduate Scholarship.
Institutional Research, BCRW, Harriman Institute, Journal of Philosophy, several law reviews. Support for publishing is
widely distributed, well beyond these examples.
Most departments in the sciences, Technology Transfer, Sponsored Projects, Humanities Center
Office of Institutional Analysis, Office of the Vice President for Research &Economic Development (several research
offices under this office), University Research Foundation
Office of Research (2 responses)
Office of Research and Creative Activities
Office of Research and Engagement, University Press
repository. Also, Journals@KU (journals.ku.edu) showcases journals published with the support of the Libraries’ Digital
Publishing Services staff and infrastructure (DSpace and OJS).
18. Do other departments or offices at your institution provide support for faculty/researcher
publishing? N=66
Yes 45 68%
No 21 32%
If yes, please list the departments or offices that provide this support. N=43
Center for Teaching Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences, Provost’s Office, probably others
Division of Research and Sponsored Programs
Division of Sponsored Programs. Office of the Provost is working on a current research information service and the
Libraries have been talking with them about the gathering of the citation data, publicly posting author profiles (from the
provost’s system), and collaborating to post allowable content in the repository.
Division of Sponsored Research works with those with external grants and this office does provide some support
for publishing.
Graduate School
Health sciences has a publishing consultant. Provost’s office provides some support but we are not sure what.
Home departments and/or centers, University Bookstore (showcases faculty books)
Human Resources
Humanities Center, Office of Research, Office of Sponsored Programs, University Press
Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Writing Center, Legal Council, Office of Institutional Research, Office of
Undergraduate Scholarship.
Institutional Research, BCRW, Harriman Institute, Journal of Philosophy, several law reviews. Support for publishing is
widely distributed, well beyond these examples.
Most departments in the sciences, Technology Transfer, Sponsored Projects, Humanities Center
Office of Institutional Analysis, Office of the Vice President for Research &Economic Development (several research
offices under this office), University Research Foundation
Office of Research (2 responses)
Office of Research and Creative Activities
Office of Research and Engagement, University Press