SPEC Kit 343: Library Support for Faculty/Researcher Publishing · 105
Academic Commons. Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base – Academic Commons -FAQ
http://support.academiccommons.columbia.edu/knowledgebase[9/17/14 2:12:24 PM]
The articles or books that reference my data are under copyright. Can I deposit those?
What can I do if I think someone has plagiarized my work which has been deposited in Academic Commons?
6 articles →
File Format →
What is the preferred file format in Academic Commons?
Will you convert my deposited files into PDF (or some other format)?
Are items in Academic Commons machine readable?
Do you support video or audio as embedded links?
Data →
Can I deposit my data in Academic Commons?
Can I deposit data from human subject studies?
Is there a copyright on data?
Is there any way for me to control how my data will be used by others?
Can I deposit data that were generated using a dataset I obtained from another researcher or agency?
16 articles →
Dissertations and Theses →
How do I deposit my thesis or dissertation?
Can I deposit my dissertation if I graduated before 2011?
Who do I contact to change the embargo on my dissertation?
Who holds the copyright to my dissertation/thesis?
Visibility →
Why are there two formats for permanent URLs in Academic Commons?
What is the difference between a Handle and a DOI?
What do you do to increase the visibility of my work?
What kind of usage statistics does Academic Commons collect?
Does Academic Commons support OAI-PMH?
All articles →
What is Academic Commons?
Can I deposit my data in Academic Commons?
What is the preferred file format in Academic Commons?
Academic Commons. Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base – Academic Commons -FAQ
http://support.academiccommons.columbia.edu/knowledgebase[9/17/14 2:12:24 PM]
The articles or books that reference my data are under copyright. Can I deposit those?
What can I do if I think someone has plagiarized my work which has been deposited in Academic Commons?
6 articles →
File Format →
What is the preferred file format in Academic Commons?
Will you convert my deposited files into PDF (or some other format)?
Are items in Academic Commons machine readable?
Do you support video or audio as embedded links?
Data →
Can I deposit my data in Academic Commons?
Can I deposit data from human subject studies?
Is there a copyright on data?
Is there any way for me to control how my data will be used by others?
Can I deposit data that were generated using a dataset I obtained from another researcher or agency?
16 articles →
Dissertations and Theses →
How do I deposit my thesis or dissertation?
Can I deposit my dissertation if I graduated before 2011?
Who do I contact to change the embargo on my dissertation?
Who holds the copyright to my dissertation/thesis?
Visibility →
Why are there two formats for permanent URLs in Academic Commons?
What is the difference between a Handle and a DOI?
What do you do to increase the visibility of my work?
What kind of usage statistics does Academic Commons collect?
Does Academic Commons support OAI-PMH?
All articles →
What is Academic Commons?
Can I deposit my data in Academic Commons?
What is the preferred file format in Academic Commons?